Chapter 12

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Sorry for not writing I've finally decided to actually finish Hunter x Hunter. I know I haven't watched it before I'm a loser. I don't care ok. I'm not going to be going into to much detail on the matches but I will be like 'we are playing Nekoma today.' Or whatever. ENJOYYYYYY. <3

 The camp wouldn't start for a whole day so we basically just walked around Tokyo. Karasuno and Nekoma ended up playing a practice game at around 5. 

At 10 I walked into the girls sleeping quarters. There were 3 girls there. Yachi and Kiyoko and a blonde haired girl. "Oh Y/n!" Yachi said looking over at me.

She put her hand out and called me over. I walked over to them all and sat down. "This is Saeko." She said looking to the blonde girl.

"Y/n." I said putting my hand out to her. She shook my hand with a tight grip. "It's nice to meet ya," she said drunkly. Her head started to twist around a bit and she held onto my hand for around a minute.

"Are you alright?" I asked her. Cher eyes started to droop a bit. She flopped onto her side and Yachi immediately got some water.

She lay on her hip constantly hiccuping. She was clearly drunk. We helped her get to sleep and then talked ourselves.

 "So you are their manager?" Yachi asked. I laughed. "Common mistake but I'm actually the coach." I smiled. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." She pushed her head down onto the floor.

 "It's fine, Yachi everybody says that." I laughed. "I heard that you have a brother in the volleyball club." Kiyoko said. "Oh... Yeah two actually," I face planted my face into my leg, while groaning. 

 "Wow, I think I know who it is." Yachi giggled. "Atsumu and Osamu." Kiyoko finished Yachi's sentence. "Yep..." I said my voice muffled from my legs. 

"In my first year around the school said that I would be the official coach but... as soon as I started to get matches and do what coaches do a lot of people disagreed with the way our school was formed." I said to them. "Most teams said that girls can only be managers and that they weren't going to go ahead with the match unless we got an official manager." I sighed.

 "W-I don't understand why can't teams have female coaches?" Yachi asked. "It's called sexism." Kiyoko said. "Yeah.. I'm used to it by now." I laughed. 

 "I'm sorry for asking." She whispered. "Ah it's not that big a deal," I replied. "We should probably head to bed." Kiyoko said breaking the silence. "Yeah.." I said grabbing a blanket. 

Just as I put my head down I heard a knock at the door. "Y/n," Someone said through the door. I got up and walked to the door. "Yes?" I answered opening the door. It was Aran. "What have they done now." I asked walking towards the boys sleeping quarters.

 "Atsumu Miya and Osamu Miya get of the roof." I yelled. "Oh come on we're doing a challenge." Atsumu groaned. "I swear to god if you don't get your fuckin' asses down here right now I'm gonn-" I stopped as two boys stood over  me.

"Ok, ok I'm sorry." Osamu said. "Alright now I'm heading to bed and if I hear one word from you two until tomorrow, you know what'll happen." I walked off smiling to myself.

 After returning to the girls sleeping charters I headed back to my bed. "Is everything ok?" Kiyoko asked. "Oh yeah just the usual." I laughed letting my head flop onto my pillow. "Goodnight." I said dosing off. "Goodnight." She answered. 

 We slept well that night no one woke up. One of the only days like this to be honest. Tomorrow morning we would be playing matches and doing training. 

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