Chapter 20

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The door opened and I saw his face. His grey and black hair was freshly washed and brushed. His soft brown eyes stared down at me. His red top was washed and his black trousers lay loose on his legs. I was at Kita's house. 

I couldn't stop myself tears started to pour out of my eyes and I dropped to the floor. I let my hands fall to the ground leaving the scars free to bleed out.

"Y/N!" Kita shouted putting his arms on my shoulders. "W-what's going on? What happened?" He asked obviously worried. "K-kita!" I managed to blurt out. 

"I'm here, I'm here." He hugged me. His fingers massaged the back of my head and he stuffed my head into his chest. I shouldn't have just started crying like that. 

He probably thinks I'm weird now. What have I done? "Come on inside, tell me everything." He cooed to me. I grabbed on to his top and clung to him. I'm being to needy. I need to stop. 

He picked me up bridal style and carried me into the house. Every second he made sure to say something like 'it's ok now' or 'your fine'. He put me down on his bed but didn't stop holding me. 

"Y/N... Tell me..." He whispered into my ear. I sniffled a bit before looking up at him. We'd met eyes for a second until he noticed the cuts on my neck. "Your neck, Y/N!" He took a few tissues from a box and started to hold them down on the cuts. 

"What happened?" I heard him whisper as he got up to get some bandages. He came back after a while with a med kit and water. "Drink this." He said handing me the glass. 

My eyes shot down as soon as he looked at me. I had wiped away the tears from my face by that time and calmed down a bit. He walked back over to the bed and took out a packet of wipes. Your annoying him, leave him alone. The voice reminded me of who I really was as I stared down at my crossed legs.

He started to clean the blood out of the cuts and bandaged them up. "What happened, Y/N?" He asked quietly. I stayed quiet. 

"Y/N?" He repeated. "Y/N?" His voice got louder. "What happened to your arms?" He asked loudly. My head shot around a bit until it came to my arms, my hoodie and been pulled up and now my bandages were out for everyone to see. 

The bandages were slightly tinted red. "Let me take those of-." He moved his hands down to my arms but I got off the bed and stood against the wall. 

I grabbed my wrists and started to squeeze them. "Stay... Stay back!" I yelled. He stared at me his hands frozen in place. "Just... Stay back." I whispered afraid of what he might do. He's Kita... He wouldn't hurt me, right?

Kita POV

They stood near the wall holding their bandaged arms close to their chest. They was shaking and yelling for me to stay away. 

They looked so scared like as if I was going to kill them. They pushed themselves farther into the wall, I noticed that they was gripping their hands harder than before and that they were bleeding out on to the floor. 

That wasn't what I was worried about, it may be carpet but I'm much more worried about why their arms are bleeding. 

"Y/N. Your arms." I shot up and started to walk towards them. They turned their head into their shoulder and closed their eyes. "Please..." Her voice shook. 

"Don't hurt me..." They whispered. Hurt them? I took a few more steps towards them until I heard the phone ring. I looked at the phone and then back towards them. 

They still hadn't looked back to me so I walked towards the phone. Atsumu... I read to myself. I slowly went to answer the phone and lifted it to my ear. 

"Kita! Kita! Kita! Kita!" He yelled into the phone. "Yes." I replied. He went quiet for a second before going back to yelling. 

"Y/N. Y/N do you know where they are? Do you?" He repeated that question over and over not giving me a chance to answer. "Let him speak!" I could hear Osamu yell in the background. 

Everything went silent for a few seconds until I heard Osamu start talking again. "So Kita... Do you know where they are?" He asked much quieter than Atsumu. 

His voice made small cracks while he spoke giving me the impression that he was probably worried. I looked back at Y/N, who had relaxed a bit but was still holding their bandaged arm and slightly crying. 

"Kita? Kita?" I heard the phone start to talk again. "Yes, sorry." I said into the speaker. "Do you?" He asked. "Kita." He said. I stood still thinking about what happened to them and why the boys were so worried, I was ignoring Osamu's attempts to get me to talk. 

"Yes." I finally spoke. "Where?" He yelled frantically. I heard a bit of yelling from the phone until it changed to silence again. I stood in my room deciding between taking them back to her brothers or waiting for them to relax. 


I stood beside the wall as Kita answered his phone. I really shouldn't have done that. Or even come out here. I'm just causing trouble for him. 

It's not like he would hurt me, so why am I so scared of him. The only person like that is him and he shouldn't find me over here. I walked closer to Kita and wrapped my arms around him. 

I stuffed my face into his back and mumbled something to him. "I'm sorry." He twisted his head back and looked at me. I peered out from his creased jumper and we met eyes. "I'm really sorry." I whispered pushing my head back into his jumper. 

He slowly put his hand on to my head and pulled me away slightly. Then he turned to face me and brought me into a hug. "Now please... Tell me what happened." He whispered. 

I had pushed my head into his chest but was nodding in agreement until I heard a a loud noise coming from behind Kita. 

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