Chapter 16

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"Hey." A soft voice whispered in my ear. I lifted my head slowly and looked around. I saw Kita who was looking at me. "We're back." He put a small smile on his face.

I returned the favour. "We should head off now." He said looking around. I must have dozed off, it must have been quiet then. I looked around the bus and saw that everyone was asleep.

"We should probably wake them up first." I laughed quietly. "Yeah.." He said. I walked up to Atsumu who had fallen asleep on his arm and woke him up.

After that I moved to Osamu who had fallen asleep on Suna's shoulder. Suna had let his head drop on to Osamu's head and it just looked so cute.

This friendship is just, adorable. I should probably stop staring and wake them up though. I shook their shoulders a bit and whispered that it was time to go.

I walked off the bus and took out my bags. We didn't have to far to go since our house was only about a 20 minute walk. "Goodnight boys." I waved to them as we parted ways.

Atsumu, Osamu and I walked towards our house, I stood in the middle and the two boys on either side. I held one of my two bags and Osamu held the other.

Once we made it to the house I unlocked the door and walked inside. "I'll take my bags." I signalled to Osamu, he handed me the bags and headed upstairs.

I took my bags upstairs and threw them against the wall. "I'll unpack tomorrow." I sighed dropping backwards on to my bed.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and checked the texts I had gotten. 'School will be off for the next two weeks due to renovations that are happening.' I read to myself.

"Nice." I whispered out loud. I tapped on my phone and looked at a few other texts, nothing bi-...

I stopped. I threw my phone to my side and looked up, tears forming in my eyes. I slowly picked up the phone and read the text again. Then I read it again.

And again. And again. And again.

'Y/N, it's been years. Let's catch up. Will I come to yours or will you come to mine? Just you and me'

"No..." I whispered. How does he know where we are? Why does he want to see me and only me? Do I go? Should I tell the boys?

I tapped on the screen again and saw another text. 'Don't think about telling. Or else.' I read. What can he do? I'll tell whoever I want. Just then I scrolled down through more texts and saw a photo.

I clicked on the photo and waited for it to load. "Kita?" I whispered. How does he have a picture of him? Where did he get the photo? I read the message attached to it.

'We wouldn't want anything to happen to him, now would we.' I read. I put my phone down and walked downstairs. I got a glass of cold water and drank it.

He wouldn't do anything to Kita. Would he? I should probably tell the boys. They're probably asleep by now. I dragged myself up the stairs and lay down on my bed.

I closed my eyes and tried to doze off. I lay on my bed for at least an hour before I started to fall asleep. The next morning when I woke up I had a shower.

Once I was dressed I walked downstairs and made a bit of food for the boys. They came rushing down the stairs. "What about school you dumbass!" I heard Atsumu yell.

"Guys, there's no school and if there was you'd have missed half of it." I laughed. "What?" They both stopped. "Didn't you read the text?" I asked them barely being able to keep my laughter in. They both tilted their head to the side and wore a confused face.

My expression changed to something more serious after I remembered the texts. They came to the table and sat down. "I have something to talk about." I said to them.

They both looked over at me still confused. "It's important." I said to them. They both slowly nodded my head understanding that I was serious about it.

"Yesterday evening." I started. "Did either of you get a text?" I asked them. "No?" Atsumu answered furrowing his brows. "Well I did, and it wasn't from the school." I said to them.

No reaction. "It was from..." I stopped. "You don't mean.." Osamu whispered. Atsumu slammed his hands down on the table. "Why is he texting you?" He gritted his teeth.

"Calm down." Osamu said. "It's not like he knows whe-." "He knows." I cut him off. "He what?" Atsumu yelled.

I pushed myself backwards in my chair and let my head drop. "I'm meeting him in a few days." I said to them. Silence.

Neither of them said a word. I pushed myself away from the table and got up to walk away. I felt a pair of hands grab me. I got pushed up against a wall and a loud yelling started.

"NO I WON'T LET YOU!" Atsumu's voice shouted. "Atsumu!" I could hear Osamu yell. "WHY WOULD YOU AGREE TO THAT!" Atsumu yelled.

"I didn't m-." I tried to say. "NO!" He shouted. Osamu started to pull on Atsumu's arms and finally got him off me. I started to rub my shoulders a bit.

When I looked up at Atsumu and Osamu. Osamu was holding Atsumu back by his arms as he raged forward towards me. I walked a few steps backwards then ran upstairs.

"Y/N!" I heard Osamu yell to me. I locked my door and started to scroll through my phone and the messages that he sent to me. I shut my phone down and threw it on to the bed.

"Y/N, let me in!" I could hear banging on the door. I looked back at the door before opening my window. I looked out the window and jumped out.

I didn't take my phone with me, not really sure why but that's just what I did. I slid down the side of the house and walked out towards the town, the opposite way of the school.

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