Chapter 8

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I shut the bathroom door and leaned against it. Why am I blushing so much? We're just friends. That's all we are, that's all I'll ever be. I let myself drop to the floor. I pulled my legs up to my chest and flopped my head onto them.

I walked up to the shower and put my towel on the shower door. I took of my clothes and had a shower. I let the water trickle down my back and I stood just barely hitting the water.

I leaned against the wall beside and just let my feelings loose. I jumped around and let out whispers that I thought were screams. I danced around in circles. Maybe I did like him.

He doesn't love you. I heard again from the voice. It was a soft whisper coming from the bottom of my back. The voice gave me goosebumps at the back of my neck.

I let it slip right past me and kept thinking about tonight. I was glad that the shower was loud, imagine if someone had heard me dancing around. I laughed a bit. Kita and I? What am I thinking? I scoffed at my thoughts.

I turned off the shower and put on my clothes. I had completely forgotten about the cuts on my arms. They hadn't bled even though they got hurt. Maybe they are healing. My left arm looked great my right arm was still a bit broken.

I brushed my teeth and walked out of the bathroom. Kita walked past me and I grabbed my top. "The bathroom is free if you want to have a shower," I smiled at him. I kept walking relaxing my grip on my top.

I walked into the kitchen and looked at the clock. "9 already," I sighed. The boys would be up soon, time for chaos. 

I went up to the fridge and got some ingredients for a soup. I finally finished the soup at around 10. The boys walked in to the kitchen looking around. Kita walked in not long after.

"How did you sleep." I asked them bringing over their soup. "Eh, the usual." Atsumu answered wiping his eyes. I sat down beside the boys and took a slice of bread. "Aren't you going to have some soup?" Osamu asked. "She is." Kita said pushing forward his bowl to me. I nodded my head, of course he would notice I wasn't eating.

"I was going to eat but I didn't make enough." I smiled trying not to worry them. They both nodded. "She can have mine since I'm not that hungry."Kita said looking at me. I smiled, "Thanks." I said putting my spoon into the soup and taking a sip.

Kita would be the only one who would notice stuff like that.

I finished up my soup and cleared up. Sunday morning only one more day till more school. I dragged myself to my room and changed my clothes.

  "I'm heading home," Kita said walking to the door. "Ok bye, see you on Monday." He smiled waving him off.

I walked upstairs and flopped onto my bed. Maybe I should have gotten some sleep last night. But I have a test tomorrow. I walked down stairs and made a coffee.

Almost one o'clock and I was just starting my studying. I got out my books and started with English.

I studied for hours and hours. Sometimes I just got up  and walked around the house. I hate studying. I. Hate. It.

I played music in the background and sometimes just started dancing. I studied for a little while longer and went through 7 coffees but when I was about to go to bed I wasn't able to sleep. Fucking coffee. Of course I couldn't sleep. I sat there in my bed just looking at me ceiling.

Then I got the worst but best idea ever. I walked upstairs to the spare room and walked out of the balcony. I hopped up the side of the balcony onto the roof. The tile clicked against my soft feet maybe I should have considered shoes. I sat on the roof watching the stars on the sky.

Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed. Words: 707.

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