Darunia, the Goron Chief

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"Smack... Snarf... GULP! Ahh... That's better! I feel my strength returning..." Darunia wipes his mouth with the back of his massive hand, removing any stray pebbles from his face. "YEESS! I'm back to fighting strength! Brothers, we're marching out again!" He roars and the Gorons around him begin to chant as they begin to move down the main pathway to Impa and Sheiks base.

"No good" Sheik mutters to herself as she see's Darunia head down her way. "It looks like he hasn't a scratch on him. Will there be no end to this battle...?" She prepares for battle with Darunia once more just as Impa sprints down a rocky, cave corridor towards the enemy base avoiding some Goron soldiers by jumping off the walls around her.

"He's not here.. Has he returned to battle? I wonder how he's replenishing his strength... Is his base hiding some secret?" She sprints towards a mob of Gorons protecting the great stone doors of their base. There were two rather large Gorons standing beside the double doors, their arms crossed. They looked down at Impa. "Halt, none shall pass through here." Their eyes flashed a deep purple from their darkened black for a moment before they began to move forward.

Impa's eyes widened in realization. These Gorons are under someone's control. "I'll set you free..." She closed her eyes, grabbing her giants knife, feeling the movement of the Gorons around her closing in. "I give you my word." She pulls out her giant sword for what seemed like a fraction of a second, opening her eyes as she sheaths her sword back into place, the gorons around her falling to the floor, unconscious. She had hit them all on their protective, metal helmets, unable to slay Gorons any longer.

Impa swiftly hops over the unconscious bodies of the Gorons and looks up at the stone doors, pressing her hands against the cold slabs, her arms straining to shove the doors open. No matter how hard she pushed and grit her teeth, prayed to the goddesses to give her strength to save princess Zelda, she was too weak.

In the meantime, Sheik already had the perfect battle plan to push back Darunia once more. She cornered him with her darkened vortex, keeping him in place as her archers kept an endless barrage of arrows coming his way until he was once more coughing up blood and attempting to turn his body around to shield himself from the arrows with his boulder-like back.

"Sheik!" Came Impa's voice from above the cliff of their base. And in that instant where the Shiekah warrior turned towards the sound of her own name was when Darunia found the strength to break free from the vortex of darkness while she had momentarily been distracted. "Damn! Hold your fire!" Sheik ordered the archers, watching as Darunia rolled himself back up the mountain and out of sight in mere seconds.

"Forgive me, Sheik, but I have bad news." Impa jumps from the ledge and walks over to the opening of the base. "The doors of the base are closed and impossible to open alone." She turns to face her soldiers. "We don't have much time. I'll need the help of you soldiers to help me pry open the doors to Darunia's hiding chambers. Ruto must be saved. Zelda must be found, alive!" She throws her fist in the air earning herself a roar of approval from her loyal soldiers.

"I hate to slow you down there, but allow me to try something." Sheik holds a hand up and turns to face the mob behind her. "I have a plan."


"We're ready. My plan begins... now." Sheik gives the approval and the soldiers around her groan, pushing the iron tube connected to the West Boulder keep around to face the inner path leading to the Interior of the mountain. "Release the Boulder!" Sheik bellows to the soldiers as she jumps to the peak where she had a perfect view of the path.

The soldier huddle around a large lever attached to the iron tube, pulling on the arm and shoving it down to where the lever hit the side. A loud metallic CLANG echoed through the mountain, shaking the earth as rumbling caused the pebbles on the floor around everyone's feet to tremble. There it goes... Sheik watched as the boulder was spit out from the iron tube with a cloud of dust, shaking the floor some more as it hit the ground, catching speed on the slanted path. "Go, go, go!" Sheik sent the soldiers into a frenzy as more crashing and rumbling was heard and felt, the soldiers finding it hard to hold their ground.

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