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You kept a slight distance from Link, your thoughts running rampant through your brain as it tried to process what had exactly happened in the past twenty minutes. One ... I should've died from that blast. Two ... Link almost kissed me ...

It was clearly evident which of the two bothered you more, your cheeks as red as a tomato, steam practically coming out of your ears. The near death experiences were becoming something you were getting used to. Ever since you were a little girl, romance was the last thing on your mind, if it was there to begin with. You had the grand responsibility to care for your little brother since the both of you lived on the streets. You heard that there was an underground human trafficking gang that sold young children for profit, and the poverty you were both in left you with little to no options. You had to constantly watch your back while protecting what small amount of happiness you had left.

It was difficult to say the least, your body growing used to stealing the food and money of others to live. It was all the same when you were living with decent people in the past; you feared there was never enough to feed Aleph, so you took some more for his sake, which only caused your downfall. There were never jobs for children, and the only way you could think of making money was if you joined the feared "Gerudo Pirates". Most have heard they lived in a secret hideout they made themselves, but to get there, you had to find the entrance deep underwater at the Great Bay Coast.

Sure enough, with the help of some local Zoras, you managed to find the Gerudo Fortress. You were found almost immediately, thrown in their prison cells like an animal, and were interrogated to no end. After what seemed like endless begging and groveling, they finally agreed to take you in as one of their own. All of it to keep Aleph safe, your mind preoccupied on training and strength. You had to get your hands dirty once in a while, but in the end, it was all worth it to see the crooked, contagious smile on Aleph's face.

But when Aleph caught the disease, you didn't know what to do. You were weak, you wanted to prove to yourself that you were powerful, that you could save Aleph if you tried hard enough. So thats what you set out to do, even if it meant losing your life, you were going to do what it took to save your little brother.

But now you were way off track, in Hyrule no less, not knowing if you could go back to Termina, not knowing if Aleph was still alive. That's right ... I don't have time for any of this. I just need enough money for that medicine, and I'm not going back until I have it ... But I need to hurry.

You ignored your racing heart and blazing cheeks, increasing your pace. Link flinched when you passed his slow paces, his blue eyes following you as you walked ahead of him. "C-mon, Link. We need to hurry and catch up to the others." Your face was stone, unwavering, as though nothing had happened, while Link was confused and still rationalizing. Your serious expression was almost frightening, your emotionless stare made him go rigid. "I'll forget any of this happened, and I would like you to do the same." Link's eyes widen, his cheeks going pink.

"Ah, w-wait ..." You didn't let him explain himself, holding a hand out to stop him continuing. "We are in the middle of a war. There is no need for romance in the battlefield, we'll only get hurt." Link's eyes shift downward, dejected. "... I understand."


The sun was beginning to set when the both of you caught up to the rest of the group, your legs a little tired. Impa rushed over to greet you, her expression filled with relief. "I'm pleased to know the two of you are safe. I apologize for the elongated travel, everyone agreed to get as far from the caves as possible. Come, you must be famished." She ushered you and Link towards the small camp, a small fire lit in the middle of the group. "We caught several fish in a lake nearby, help yourselves, there is more than enough for everyone." You thanked her, sitting by a small lot of soldiers lounging about, grabbing a fish from the fire by the stick inserted in its back.

Link sat beside you silently after some small talk with Impa, biting into a fish of his own. Impa sat across the fire from the both of you, her eyes scanning your expressions with her intense red eyes. "What happened in the caves? Did you manage to defeat the wizard?" She crossed her arms, hiding her mouth beneath the small scarf wrapped around her neck. "We managed to scare him off, but I'm sure he'll strike again sometime in the future. I think it would be best if we kept our guard up." You say properly. Impa hums, her eyes going from you to Link, who was quietly munching on his dinner, staring off into space, repeatedly.

"It seems that not the only thing on your minds at the moment." Impa concludes with a nod, your eyes widen instantly, Link almost spits out his fish, coughing momentarily. "Link are you okay?" Proxy screeched out as several men around the both of you chuckle. "What do you mean?" You asked Impa, your cheeks getting warm from the memory; it took all your willpower to stop that annoying, revealing blush from slapping itself onto your face.

Impa only shrugs, smiling to herself, looking away. "What indeed." But before you could defend yourself, you notice a familiar female figure walking behind the group of men around you. "Hey, Sheik!" You call out just as she notices you looking at her. "Ah, you are unharmed, that is satisfying to see." She says in her usual monotone voice, her red eye baring gently into yours. "Same here. I thought you might've fallen in the caves." You urged her to join you, and she sits hesitantly. You noticed that she still had on her gear and refused to move the tight garment round her lower face to speak properly.

"I'm fine, as you can see. I tried to create a diversion, a blockade, if you will, but it seems some got through nonetheless." She explained. "Im sorry I caused you so much trouble." You waved her off. "It's totally fine, I'm just glad your safe. Maybe we can finish off this war faster with you on our side." She nods. "Surely."

Impa continues to stare at Sheik, her gaze steady and unmoving. Without question, everyone knew she wanted to know more about this stranger, but chose not to say anything, at least not yet. "The sun is setting, it would be best for us to sleep now to head out early tomorrow. We head for Faron Woods at dawn." Impa gets up and walks off. Sheik does the same, leaving you and Link sitting together while the other men around the fire begin to prepare for rest. Link was staring at the crackling fire, his eyes glazed over, seemingly deep in thought. You decide not to disturb him and try to get some rest as well, but before you could get up entirely, Link's hand was already around your wrist, preventing you from getting any farther away.

You hesitantly sit back down when you notice his eyes land on yours. He had something serious on his mind that he wanted to discuss. "If this is about what happened in the caves, I already told you to forget about it." You looked around, your voice a bit rushed and low for only him to hear. Your face was beginning to burn again and you could only imagine how ridiculous you must look about now, blushing. "Don't worry about it. I know I rushed things, but once this war is over, I will tell you how I feel, properly." You notice his hand is still gripped onto your wrist and you pull it off gently, getting up, feeling a little awkward. Links face was almost as red as yours, but his expression was sincere, and you were sure he was going to stick to his decision.

"If thats how you feel, then I suppose I can't stop you." You rub your nose embarrassedly, looking anywhere but his blue eyes. "Just don't get ahead of yourself, you hear me?" You point before huffing away, walking at a brisk pace, your heart hammering roughly in your chest. Damn this untamable heart of mine ...


Link watches you walk away, his face burning with embarrassment. Proxy hovers in circles around his head, her bell-like sounds breaking him away from his trance. "Wow, Link! I've never heard you talk so much before!" She jumps up and down excitedly. Link only gives her a small smile.

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