The Twisted Wizard Wizzro

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You curse as you begin to dodge Wizzro's flying balls of darkness which he was throwing everywhere. No one was able to get close enough to him to counter attack. Link held up his shield while Impa produced a forcefield of water to guard the soldiers behind her and her own body. You started to think that this battle was a waste of time, there was no way everyone was getting out of here if this ghost kept you all busy. The exit was nearby as well, and it was only a matter of time before this wizard stopped having fun and really got serious.

"Impa!" You ducked under some spheres of smoky purple and stopped right behind her. The look on her stressed expression made you realize how much effort and energy she was putting in to keeping her troops safe. "___, try to get behind the Wizard, its our only hope for defeating him!" Impa began to give orders but you interrupted her. "Impa, listen. Take everyone and go, I'll take care of this guy." You looked back at Wizzro, his cheeky smile urging you into battle, your adrenaline spiking as did your anger. "What?" Impa's eyes widened at your request, making it seem as though you had gone mad.

"I know I can beat him! Please believe me, I'll protect everyone, just get out of here." Wizzro had thrown one of his orbs at the ceiling, causing loose rocks to fall from above, landing too close for comfort. "I can't just leave a soldier behind!" Impa began to struggle, her focus on both the ceiling and on the Wizard. "There's no time for arguments! I'll be fine! Just go! And take Blondie, I know how much you need him!" You notice a hoard of monsters beginning to come out of the keep behind Wizzro, your eyes widening in fear. Sheik must've fallen. "Impa, now! Before everyone's wiped out!"

Impa had no choice, she knew her men weren't strong enough to take on so much at one time. Making a sound of displeasure through her clenched teeth, she began to take several steps back. "Retreat, men! We head to Faron Woods!" She yelled over her shoulder, the troops behind her already sprinting towards the exit. Impa stands beside you, now only covering the both of you. "Promise me you'll catch up with us, soldier." There's a pleading edge to her voice and you cant help but agree. With that, Impa draws back, running at full speed towards the exit, away from danger as you had wanted.

"How pathetic. Running like rats with their tails between their legs." The Wizard laughs quietly, the darkness surrounding him, the ground shaking. "I'll be your opponent today. There is no reason to look down upon my friends." You glare at Wizzro, gripping tightly onto your sai. "How regrettable, really. I was hoping I could have a little more fun with everyone." He spits, raising his dead hands as two beasts of his dark magic appear from the ground. They too had a gaping, drooling mouth and one bulbous, red eye, their bodies dripping the dark matter.

They both sink into the ground, their bodies nothing more than dark puddles on the earth. But instead of heading towards you as you had anticipated, they moved in the opposite direction. At first, you were confused, but when you saw that headful of blond hair, your heart almost leaped out of your chest. Link is still here.

He must've seen the monsters coming and put it upon himself to keep them away from the battle. But now he was in danger. As much as you wanted to see him get knocked out, death was not an option. Besides, you promised to protect everyone, and you never go back on your promises. Using as much strength as you could muster, you sprinted around, avoiding Wizzro's attacks as you slid under a rather large hand that protruded from his chest to grab at you. "Link! Behind you!" You yelled out as the puddles of dark goop neared his fighting figure. He whips his head around, putting up his shield in time for the eyeball monsters to smash their faces into the cold iron.

You focused back onto your battle, blocking the balls of darkness that fell apart rather easily, your sai cutting through them like paper. With this tactic, you began to step closer to the Wizard who was surprised and appalled that you were unaffected by the darkness. He had several tricks up his sleeve, however, and you ended up with several cuts littered about your bare arms and around your face here and there, but you kept dodging and blocking nonetheless. You smirked at his angered expression, jumping to the side, barrel rolling behind him and striking his backside, just as Link had when he had first beaten you.

The wizard screamed in agony, the darkness spilling from his wound, his body disappearing in a puff of purple smoke. You kept your guard up, knowing one gash wouldn't kill him right away. You could hear his cackling laughter surround you until it dissipated, the bubbling of the lava beside you the only other thing you could hear. Wait.

Link ran up beside you, his body a little scratched, but over all, he was okay. "___, thank goodness you're okay! Where is everyone? Where's the evil wizard?" Proxy interrogated you on the spot, making you sigh in frustration. Link patted you on the shoulder, a small, appreciative smile on his face. Your body reacted to his gentle touch, your stiff posture turning into a relaxed one. "I think I scared him off." You say nonchalantly. But Link, being himself, doesn't say a word, and continues to look at you, a strange look in his blue eyes.

"Link...?" His hand gently squeezes your shoulder, his other hand moving down your arm, stopping to grip your arm guard. The way he was touching you wasn't really uncomfortable, it was more of a new sensation, making you want to be closer to him. You knew this wasn't the time or place for something of this level, but they way he was looking at you sent you into some kind of trance. His face was dusted a deep pink, and the way he was acting towards you was so contrasting, that even Proxy was rendered speechless.

His face inched closer, and you could feel and hear your heartbeat in your head, the blood rushing so fast through your system that you swore you could faint in any instant. I mean, I don't exactly hate him ... So I guess this is okay ... Right?

You thought of all the times you had spent together during the weeks of training. He was always there, watching over you like Impa, making sure you got used to the feeling of a sword and how to wield it. You could say that you ended up having a slight crush on the Blondie, not that you would ever admit or show it to anyone.

You could literally smell Link, your bodies not being so far apart that your nose caught on the scent of pomegranates and a trace of sweat. His blue eyes were already closing, but you were so nervous you had your eyes open as he closed in on your awaiting lips.

Before Link could lay one on you, from the corner of your eye, you spot something purple, and it was growing fast. You quickly turn your head, your eyes widening in horror as Wizzro charges up what seems to be a growing sphere of purple darkness in his hands, aiming it towards the two of you. "Look out!" You roughly push Link away causing him to land on the earth as Wizzro unleashes his beam of death right at you. "___!"

You scream, the darkness engulfing your body, the feeling of being penetrated by thousands of needles made your body spasm in torment. Your vision blurs, seeing multiple specks of color, your breaths quick and irregular. Wizzro cackles in delight, your body beginning to shut down, your screams dying as you fall to your knees. But before you could fully succumb to the darkness, the pain suddenly stops. Link had gotten up of the ground and had begun to slash at the wizard with his sword, an infuriated look on his features. In another puff of purple smoke and screams, Wizzro disappears, retreating faster than he could produce spheres of darkness. You fall to the ground, your energy drained. Link rushes over to you, noticing how your body released small flecks of darkness. He was hesitant to touch you, an eerie feeling residing deep in his abdomen.

Your eyes had darkened significantly, your skin pale. "I feel like crap." You mumbled, small bursts of purple coming out of your mouth, almost like smoke. "We need to catch up with Impa, can you stand?" Proxy says in a small voice that was nearly pleasant. You go into a kneeling position, your legs feeling strange, your body coming back into action. "I think so. I'm starting to feel better already." You stand hesitantly, wobbling. Link reaches out to steady you, but as soon as his fingertips touch your shoulder, he jolts back, clutching his hand in pain. "Whats wrong? Are you alright?" You begin to panic somewhat, your hands unconsciously moving upwards in a sort of surrender. "I-I'm fine, just ..." He holds a hand out to stop you, and you freeze.

You could see the moderate dread in his panicked expression and your heart sank. He looks towards the ground, pensively, then looks back at you with an almost dejected look. "We should go."

He turns and starts walking towards the exit of the caves. Unknowing what was wrong or what was going on was frustrating. You despondently follow him, lagging behind purposely, the silence thickened the cloud of awkwardness hanging in the air.

What happened...? I wonder if I did something wrong ... But I feel fine. The truth was, you felt better than fine, in fact, you felt possibly stronger than you were before. But why...?

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