The Sorcress in the Woods

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Link and his allies were saved from the dangers of the Eldin Caves by a mysterious youth named Sheik. Joined by their new ally, Impa's troops exited the caves and emerged in Faron Woods. There they found a hidden village overrun by monsters. While Link and Impa wanted to continue their search for Zelda, they could not ignore the plight of the villagers. Without hesitation, they sprang into battle.


"I'm sorry, ___. But it seems that the beast really did disappear after we had beaten it." Impa had said after you had asked for the billionth time that day. You could remember feeling as though your entire being was shocked to point that you couldn't move. Your breath had stopped short and your eyes were wide open. The sudden thought of Aleph came to mind, his body shattering like a mirror. All you could do was sink to your knees as several soldiers helped you to your feet and led you back to your room, your eyes glued to the ground, mind racing.

I need to get those rupees some other way...


Like Impa had said the night before, everyone began to move out at daybreak. The sky was barely lit when Impa's orders were heard from around the small camp sight. You groaned in protest, wiping a trail of drool away from your chin, attempting to pat down your unruly hair that was reaching for the sky. That memory again. You sighed, hurriedly putting on your armor and equipping your weaponry.

You were slightly angry that this was one of the very few dreams you could remember, but decided to drop it, hearing some soldiers scream from outside your makeshift tent. You scrambled out, adjusting the adventure pouch on your waist. "What the...?!" You muttered, already witnessing the soldiers fighting against monsters. "Ah! ___! Over here!" Impa waves you over, blocking a blow from the Bublin's club. You go to help her since more enemies were heading her way, slicing the little green beasts with your Sai. You can see Link fending off some monsters with several soldiers ahead.

"What happened?" You asked as you killed off some bublins, their corpses turning to purple ash. "Nothing too big to handle. A small group of monsters decided to attack our camp while we slept." She absorbed several bublins in a sphere of water, cutting through them with her weapon in one powerful swing. "Great." You mumbled sarcastically, smiling as you kicked a bublin in its little green face behind you, sending it crashing into some of it's companions.

It didn't take long to defeat the monsters, the sun barely raising in the horizon when Impa returned from securing the area. "Is everyone alright?" She hastily looks over the soldiers who were lined up on her orders, nodding in relief. "These monsters were surely scouts. I am betting there are more of them deeper in the forest. Keep your guards up and your eyes peeled. We're moving out." You pout, sighing in anguish. So ... I guess this means no breakfast ...?


Soldiers seemingly to be of Hyrule were fighting against monsters, their moves sluggish. They have been battling with these evil forces for several hours now, and the numbers didn't seem to be letting up. At this rate, the monsters were going to win this battle, the battle in Faron Woods.

A number of soldiers were doing their best to defeat the monsters in their base, the bublins winning over their slow and tired movements. One monster in particular hit a soldier in a vital area with its club, sending him to the ground with a pain filled scream, but before the monster could finish him off, a strike of lightning hits it and the enemies nearby, their bodies disintegrating. A female jumps down, holding the wounded soldier in her arms. She had semi-long, light blue hair, and wore strange white, blue, and gold clothing; a thick, hardcover book with strange writing on the front in her hand. Her name is Lana.

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