Keep Your Promise

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"Well done, ___. You have improved greatly." Impa praised you as you caught your breath, lowering your shield and makeshift sword. You smirked. You had been training for several weeks now, and to say the least, you felt like a new person. After the rather unpleasant incident at the castle all those days ago, you were treated harshly as most people still thought you were working for the enemy that attacked the castle, and were the cause of their Princesses disappearance. Most of the time, you ignored their rude remarks and kept your head and thoughts in check to keep from exploding in their faces. You had the tendency to lose your temper quite quickly, which could've only caused more problems than you were in.

Over time, everyone began to see the real side of you, which wasn't as bad as they thought. Everything began to calm down -- especially since Impa was in charge of keeping a close eye on you, promising to kill you if things got out of hand. Slowly, even the soldiers began to trust you, treating you as one of their own, even flirting with you at some points.

"Thanks, General." You saluted her sarcastically, taking a swig from your canteen of water. Around you, several soldiers groaned in pain, clutching different appendages as they lifted themselves off the ground. They were no match for your newfound strength.

"Alright. ___, it seems you are perfectly healthy, lets see how you compare to our strongest soldier." Impa nods her head, smirking, her red eyes moving towards an approaching figure. Link stops several feet in front of you, smiling just the slightest with a raised eyebrow; challenging you. Finally...You thought, tossing your canteen to the side. You had been waiting for this rematch since you lost to him, regrettably. "Let's do this, Blondie." You smothered him with the nickname you knew he wasn't too fond of while cautiously coming a little closer. "Wait." Impa's towering, powerful voice made you stop, a saddened frown on your face as you turned to face her.

"I believe you're missing something." She turns her head, motioning for a soldier to come closer. Your eyes widened in surprise as the lower ranked man approached you, an adventure pouch in his hands. Your adventure pouch.

"Oh, my baby!" You cooed gently as you took the bag out of his hands in a rapid movement. "Its been too long hasn't it? I'm so sorry I left your side, honey. I promise mommy won't do it again." You kiss the leather, rubbing the familiar pattern on your cheek affectionately while soldiers stare at you with newfound interest and slight fear. Link chuckles into his gloved fist.

Looking inside, you see that nothing had been misplaced nor missing. Everything was just as you had left it, which made your heart beat with hope. "Alright! Now I'm really pumped! Lets go!" You bounce in place while tightening the strap around your waist, securing the pouch on your hip. Link reaches behind him, grabbing the sword by the handle and pulling it out in one swift movement. It was his actual sword, the iron gleaming in the sun. You took out your Sai from the pouch, flipping them rapidly in your hands, showing off a bit by twirling your arms before getting into your fighting stance.

"You have no idea how much I've been waiting to fight you again, Blondie." You smile eagerly, flipping the Sai in the hand in front of you. Link shakes his head, rolling his blue eyes as he takes his shield out and placed it before him. Impa looks at the both of you, sighing silently.



"Oh yeah! In your face! Ha!" You were dancing ridiculously, shoving Link's loss in his face, rubbing it in with obnoxious moves. "I told you I would win! You're so lucky you only ended up with some scratches, Blondie! I could've killed you, you know?" You finished off your dance with jazz hands, trying to moonwalk your way out of the training grounds. "Later loser!"

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