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You internally curse as the beast slams his claws to the ground, sending you flying backwards. You use your clawshot to hoist your body on top of the crystal imbedded being. Quickly, you took out your Sai, repeatedly slamming the handle into the base of the giant dodongo's red crystals with extreme speed, the beast howling in anger, sending you flying once more with a pain filled scream.

You were a bounty hunter and assassin. Your job this time, getting King Dodongo's crystals for a special "source". You were being rewarded heavily for this job since no one was brave enough to face this beast, and you were determined to collect your bounty. You face the dodongo, it's giant, gaping maw opening to take a big breath, a trail of orange light being sucked into its mouth almost hungrily.

You open your eyes wide in surprise, a large ball of flame flying right past you as you dive to the right. You throw several shurkins to the beasts throat, but they practically bounce off. "Not sharp enough." You mutter as you sprint towards its head, jumping onto its skull. The king roars loudly, you grab onto its red horns and hold on for dear life as he begins trying to throw you off by slamming it's red claws to the ground repeatedly and swinging back and forth. With one hand, you try to stab its skull open with your Sai, losing your grip with its jerking movements. Your attacks were doing almost no damage. "Is there no way to beat this thing?!" You yell frustratedly, your arm getting tired.

You decide to catch your breath, hopping to the floor and backing away from the beast, not letting your guard down. Your heart was beating uncontrollably fast and you were sweating. Your ears were still hurting from the Kings roars, and your head was throbbing.

Those crystals were harder to get than you expected, but you were determined. Because you always kept a stoic, cold, fierce personality, no one bothered to get close to you. Everyone kept their distance, they were practically afraid to even look at you in fear you would hurt them.

You had a little brother, he was your whole world. You loved him with every once of your being. Your parents abandoned you two when you were very little, and since then you bounced from home to home until your reputation managed to throw the both of you out on the streets. Not very many people cared about two orphaned children where you were from, on the other hand, you heard that in the land of Hyrule, people were very kind and warm-hearted. Your brother and you would always talk about how one day, when you had enough money, you would both go see the beautiful land yourselves.

Since then, it all went downhill. Your brother caught a terrible sickness unknown to any doctor around Termina. Aleph didn't have long to live, but you were determined to keep him alive with some medicine to help stabilize the sickness. The medicine, of course, was expensive, so you had no choice but to become a Gerudo Pirate. They were known to steal and do terrible deeds for rupees and treasure, so it was no surprise when you came begging to join the group.

You trained hard, earning yourself the body of a warrior, stealing what deemed valuable and selling them for high prices on the black market. Doctors were surprised that Aleph had lived for so long. But it wasn't long before his condition became worse. The medicine didn't seem to work anymore, no matter how powerful the doctors said it would be.

Every time you went to visit him in the infirmary, you noticed how much paler and skinny he was, as though the sickness were eating away at his body. You could see his defined cheekbones, part of his ribcage, and his bony fingers that intertwined with yours, ensuring you that it'll all be okay. Not that it would ever be anyway. You remembered, not too long ago, when you went to visit him when he was actually feeling alright.

"Remember when we said we'd go see Hyrule, Onee-chan?" Aleph asked, looking out the window, an expression filled with wonder etched on his features. He looked over at you with those eyes similar to yours, the same color splashed with light bearing into yours intensely. You sat at his bedside, staring at his face, noticing how small and frail he looked because of the weight loss. You knew he would never be able to travel in his current condition, much less make it to the bathroom without some kind of assistance. "Of course! I promised I'd take you. I'd never forget something I promised." You kept a smiling face, even when you knew you were breaking inside. When ever you looked at Aleph, your heart sank, knowing he would possibly stay this way for the rest of his life.

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