More Unnecessary Overthinking

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You silently walked back towards camp, your slow steps making little to no noise on the leaves and twigs scattered across the earth. You thought seriously about leaving everyone behind to figure things out, but that plan had many flaws. For one, you couldn't deny the fact that you wanted to stay close to a certain Hero, and you were sure he wouldn't let you leave so easily anyway. And second of all, if you wanted answers, you were sure Lana had them.

She let off less than she really knew, you could feel it. And lastly, Impa would literally kill you for treason since it was her sworn duty, and she seemed the type to follow her orders no matter what. You had to go back.

Just the thought of having to face the sorceress again made you groan in protest. Sitting down at the base of the tree, leaning on the trunk, you decided to wait a little while before going back. You rubbed your swollen, red eyelids; the outcome of your undying cries. Your nose was still a little runny, and it hurt slightly from rubbing it so much. You weren't sure when exactly it was the last time you cried, but you were sure it was before you made it to Hyrule. So far, it had been nothing but great experiences, happiness, and slight worry, but overall, it was amazing. You were really happy here even though there was a war going on.

What Aleph wouldn't give to be here right now... You thought suddenly, making you smile slightly. But he couldn't, it was something you had long known. Lana's voice echoed in your head. "I was trying to prevent you from finding out about this, ___..." Your eyes burned as more tears began to prickle in the corners of your eyelids. "You see, this soldier, his name is Alistair..."

Wait... You sat up erectly. "I was trying to prevent you from finding out about this, ___" Your eyes widened significantly at the sudden realization. "She was trying to prevent me from finding out about Alistair...? Then ... She knew about him looking like Aleph? ...What?" You clutched your head, your brain throbbing at the sudden bursts of information being fed to it. "But ... That's impossible, right? There's no way she would know something so specific..."


Lana made it back to camp, walking silently beside Alistair who was looking over his shoulder at the forest intently. She couldn't bring herself to say it, but she was sort of glad that Alistair had come to her rescue. Never would she have thought that ___ could be capable of such strength, the memory of her darkening eyes sent a shiver of fear down her spine. "Are you cold...?" Alistair suddenly asks, putting a sturdy, gloved hand on her shoulder. "I'm fine, thanks." They reach the fire pit that was lit not long ago, a faint, orange glow still emanating from the burnt wood pieces.

"You should go get some rest, I just need to speak with Impa." Lana glances at the large tent in the short distance. "I'm coming with you." Alistair tugs her along with him. She decided not to say anything since she could never change his mind once he had decided on something, letting him practically drag her.

"Commander Impa. We wish to speak with you about urgent news." Alistair says firmly and loud enough for part of the camp to hear. Impa appears not long after, her white hair down and a tired expression on her face. "What is it, soldier?" She says dully, her red eyes still foggy with sleep. "Impa, I know you might find this hard to believe, but ___ attacked me earlier and I am positive she might be a turncoat." Lana says. Impa snaps out of her sleepy state immediately, looking at Alistair for confirmation. He only nods. Impa's eyes widen in response. "We were in the woods and she pressed a weapon to my throat after attempting an interrogation. Might I also add that she has growing power inside of her that she may or may not know of. In my opinion, she could be a threat to this final mission." Lana explains, a fearful look on her expression.

"Wake the elite immediately, we will search for her in a small group and avoid a panic." Impa heads back inside her tent to prepare while Alistair salutes and heads off to fulfill his orders while Lana follows after him steadily, slightly pleased.

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