The Dark Sorceress of The Valley Cia

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"Now!" You scream out to Link who was already in range. Impa dodged the plants' many headed attack, rolling behind it quickly as Link threw the boomerang, hitting all the heads at once. You fist pumped before the beast withdrew its now clumsy heads to safety, tucking them in before opening its large bud of a body confusedly, exposing it's most vulnerable, red organ.

It's just as I thought...! You thought happily to yourself. The outside may be steel, but the inside is just a squishy, soft mess! You rush in, towards the twitching plant, its heads on the ground, their tongues rolling around aimlessly in the dirt. Your allies came in for the kill as well, slashing, stabbing and shredding its organ to pieces as the beast screeched in pain but not really doing anything to stop it due to it's current confused/dizzy state.

Link yelled suddenly, his sword glowing in his hands as he jumped a ways back, driving the pointed edge of his sword straight through the monsters organ, his body also cutting through as he appears on the other side, covered slightly in green muck. The beast raised its entire body suddenly, it's heads reaching for the sky as the heads let out one last screech as it flopped back onto the ground, beginning to turn black, exploding into purple smoke and ash.

The soldiers around you cheered tiredly, panting and beginning to help those with injuries. "Alright, To the altar at the top of the ruins." Impa commands, earning herself dull, disappointed groans from the men. A familiar voice cuts through the pity party of the soldiers, throwing you off guard. "Quiet down, men! Do not disappoint the Commander! This war is almost over, just pull through until the end!" It was Alistair. "Well said, Chief." Sheik nods in approval. "Chief...?!" You splutter. Alistair takes off his helmet, and your heart begins to ache at the sight of him.

"Of course. What do you think I was...?" He smirks cockily. You quickly look away, unable to stop your eyes from producing small tears. Suck it up ... thats not Aleph, remember...? A small voice echoed in your head. You held them back ... this time.

Impa cuts through the sudden awkward tension. "Did I not make myself clear ...?" Impa calls in her commanding voice, making the soldiers stand straighter than usual. "Those of you too injured to fight, head back to base! Everyone else ... you fight along side me." Most soldiers cheer loudly, others limping back towards base, holding onto each other as support. You look back at them, feeling guilty as hell.


You all stand before the Gate of Souls, staring at the otherworldly light emanating from within. Link looks around him and locks eyes with Sheik who only nods with him. He takes a determined step forward, but as soon as his boot touches the earth once more, a circle of darkness appears on the ground. Lana manages to jump up and away from the darkness, looking back to see Link, Impa, Sheik, and yourself unable to move. The darkness had gripped your legs tightly, unwavering and unwilling to release you.

The Triforce begins to glow in Link's hand, making him stare at it in confusion. Impa gasped, gaining Link and Lana's attention. Sheik's hands was also glowing. She possessed the final piece of the Triforce. "Sheik! That's--!" But before she could finish, the two pieces of the Triforce flew up and out of their reach, towards Cia who was happily at the Gate of Souls' side, absorbing the remaining two fragments into her hand.

"Aha ha ha~! How nice of you to bring me the Triforce of wisdom as well!" Cia practically giggled in delight. "That means I have all three pieces..." She makes the Triforce hover in her hand, the circle of darkness at your feet glowing brightly. Link, Sheik, and Impa hover above the ground suddenly, surprising them as they were hurled across the keep. "Link...!" You call out, still unable to move. "Behold ... the majesty of the Triforce!"  Cia laughs heartily as the Triforce connects it's three pieces, glowing incredibly brightly.

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