Faron Woods

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"The Deku Tree is on fire! We have to quench the flames somehow!" Lana turns to everyone behind her. Wizzro laughs in glee. "Hiya ha! There's no way you'll be able to put out that fire! I'll see you burned to a crisp!" Everyone was at a loss of what to do, watching with anxious eyes. The fire was spreading all over the Deku Tree, heading towards the branches. "We can't let the Deku Tree burn! What are we supposed to do...?" Lana mumbles almost to herself, looking down, a hand on her chin, walking briskly back and forth.

"The fire will spread all over the forest if we don't do anything ..." You mutter. "There's no other way. I'm heading towards the source. You guys try to figure something out, I'll be back." You turn and sprint deeper into the woods before anyone can stop you, Impa and Sheik calling out your name in union, but you were already too far to stop now.

You didn't really know what you were doing, but since Wizzro was the one who started the fire, your best bet was to defeat him and make him put it out somehow. Link was about to chase after you, but a shrill cry from his scarf made him stop in his tracks. "Wait a minute ... I can feel the presence of a Great Fairy! Maybe she can help us!" Impa overhears Proxy's scream, heading to Link. "Excellent. Please lead the way. We must quench the fire before ___ gets into any serious trouble. I do wish she'd stop trying to handle things on her own." Link nods firmly, following Proxy's directions while defeating enemies that crossed their path. "I feel a powerful energy in the northeast. Could it be the Great Fairy?" Sheik says as they enter Eastern Tree Keep, monsters heading towards them.

Lana clenched her teeth, slightly biting on her nail as she thought quickly. Thinking of nothing else, she uses her power to create a sort of clear, block-like stairway heading to the top of the Deku Tree. Everyone was trying so hard, she couldn't fall behind. Her book hovered in her hand, a blue hue emanating from it as she focused on the raging fire below her. Taking a deep breath, she unleashed her power, creating several walls of her clear blocks to temporarily stop the flames from getting any father. Everyone ... please hurry.

"Go on, Link. Impa and I shall take care of these monsters." Sheik strums her harp, casting a dark circle on the floor, sucking the enemies into the vortex while Impa finished them off with a heavy swing. Link defeated monsters on his way, nearing a set of stairs leading to double doors that were shut tight, several monsters including a Gibdo stood on guard before the doors. "I sense the Great Fairy's power! Get rid of the monsters in the way, and open the doors!" Link nods, running over to the monsters, hitting them with everything they've got, your face pictured in his mind. He only wanted you safe.

Meanwhile, you had already captured  North Square Keep, heading towards the enemy base. You were tired and hungry, but that wasn't about to stop you from defending the forest. You headed into the keep, startling Wizzro who barely noticed you coming in. "Well, Well. It seems a rat has gotten in." He chuckles, raising his twig-like hand, stopping the monsters around him from inching you. His right hand glows mildly purple, his bulbous eye staring into your angry ones.

"Ah? But it looks like this rat has some potential after all." His eye closes, revealing his mouth once more, cackling. "Shut your trap, ghost. Now stop that fire from spreading or else." You twirled your sai, getting into your fighting stance. "Now, Now. No need to get hasty. Why don't you take a little break and listen to what I have to say?" He smirks. "No way. I'm not listening to a single word." You eye the monsters around you, their weapons at the ready at Wizzro's command. "Now get to putting out that fire."

Wizzro chuckles. "So stubborn ... just like your brother." Your eyes widen, your heart rate increasing, but you tried not to show how his words had affected you. "What? What would you know about my brother?" Your arms were slightly trembling. "You would be surprised. But for now, lets have some fun." Wizzro raised his hand, pointing at you with his dead hands. The monsters around you began to shuffle, the Stalfos and bublins making their way towards you with precaution. Your grit your teeth, the anger practically making steam come out of your ears.

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