I'll Protect You

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You looked at Lana, her expression turned sour at the sight of you and Link in an embrace. Impa had her hand on the handle go her Giants Knife, ready to fight if she had too, the archers behind her were already getting their arrows ready to fire. It seemed the only one who refused to do anything was Sheik. She stood there uncaring, really not posing against you, nor against the Commander.

"I will not allow you to take ___ into custody." Link says firmly. "I told you to leave your feelings behind when you enter the battlefield, Link." Impa says in a low, commanding voice. "This being the case of feelings or not, I will not let her be captured because of something so insignificant. Besides, I don't see a battlefield here." Link states his point, refusing to move from his protective position. "I don't think you realize how grave this situation is." Impa begins to walk over to the both of you.

"I don't think you realize how important she is right now." Link continues. Impa stops walking. "We need her, whether you realize it or not. She is a part of our team, an ally, and so far, she has sacrificed more than enough to prove herself trustworthy. And if you have to neutralize the threat," Link draws his sword and begns to speak in a low, angry voice. "Then good luck because I won't let you touch a hair on her head."

Impa makes a noise of displeasure, taking her weapon out of it's sheath. It was at that moment when Sheik decided to intervene. "I think we've gone over the line here for one person. Shouldn't we decide upon this after we win this war? After all, we need our rest for this last battle, and I'm sure fresh wounds do not heal overnight."

Impa and Link glare at each other for what seemed like an eternity, hands gripping tightly onto their drawn weapons, unwilling to back down from their stare-down. Sheik cleared her throat loudly, causing Impa to let out a hissed breath, returning her Giants Knife back into its sheath almost effortlessly. "I suppose you're right. There's no point in fighting now when we have the battle that determines our futures in less than a few hours." Impa stares at you suddenly, and you could feel the wave of deep thought that swept over her. Your guess was she was trying to figure you out.

She turns her back to the both of you, taking a few steps before glancing over her shoulder. "We'll head back to camp and rest until dawn. We will win this war, find Zelda, and finish this matter another time. Move out soldiers." The soldiers around her begin to follow, taking one last long look at you before turning their backs and walking into the forest. Link relaxes, his sword at his side and shield in his right hand. Alistair and Lana were the last to leave, knowing full well what you were capable of. You couldn't help but notice Lana's sour expression, her face crunched up to an annoyed frown. "I only ask that you keep her away from Lana from now on." Alistair said before walking off himself, Lana following behind wordlessly.

Link only nods once, returning his sword back into its sheath. Once you were alone once more, Link turned to face you. "I did attack Lana." You suddenly whispered, catching Link off guard, his eyes widening for a short moment. "Why would you do that...?" He asks, trying to look at your expression to see if you were possibly lying. "To be honest, I'm not so sure myself. Just ... I don't know what happened. I was really angry, and suddenly, I couldn't control it, like it took over my body. I wanted to hurt her, to get answers no matter what it took." Your hands were shaking, so you griped them into fists. The memories raced through your mind, repeating over and over.

"But you didn't." Link says above your thoughts, making you look up at him. "You might've wanted to, but you held back. You didn't actually hurt her." He placed a hand on your head reassuringly. "Only because Alistair showed up. If he didn't ... who knows what might've happened."

He ruffled your hair, making you laugh a little and move away from his hand. "Stop, Link. You're messing it up." You attempt to fix your hair by patting it down as Link smiles at your futile strokes. "Keep smiling like that and I'm sure everyone will start to trust you again ... besides, it suits you." You feel your heart start to pound rapidly in your chest. Dammit, Link.

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