chapter 6

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Damon's POV:

I was in patiently waiting for my rose to come down, 'whats taking her so long' I thought to my self , may be she wants to look all good for me, yep defiantly that.

After a few minutes  I herd platter of foot coming down the stairs and behold my beautiful angel come's down the stairs, with only a PJ shorts and a tank top. By the looks of it she just woke up from sleep.

Well that's defiantly how she rolls. with her hair every were in a crazy sexy way and face that looks sleepy and her fingers trying to rub the sleep out of her eyes adorable' , she looks just so perfect, even though she just woke up from sleep.

I didn't miss how her eyes lingered on me and checking me out, a small smile fell on my face 'at list she likes what she sees', I thought.

"What the hell are you wearing" that annoying voice of her step father shouted breaking me out of my dream like state, ' bastard'.

" cloths" my angel replied still checking me out shamelessly, wow who wont love that attitude.

"Didn't I tell you to dress respectfully"

"I can dress how ever I want old man so mind your fucking business, me been here is enough for you" she talked back calmly, she still got the spark.

Her fathers face was so red, if he was a cartoon character am pretty sure smoke will be coming out if his ears.
"You ungrateful girl" he shouted, his annoying voice ringing round the house .

"Enough" I caught the both of them off, getting fed up with this bastard talking rudely to her. "I didn't come hear to watch the both of you fight and waist my precious time, I have better things to do." I said annoyed.

"Tell that to him" my Angel said with a bit of sass 'damn I love that girl.

"Okay, can I talk to you in private Rossy" I said. "OK"she replied and walked up stairs, me following her and let's not forget me admiring her thick tight ass. " stop staring at my bot you perv", "well its not my fault its attraction seeker " I said. "Dumb ass" I heard her replied under her breath. I just chuckled at what she said

Rosey's POV

I soon I we got to my room, I turned around and asked him "so what do you want", " you" he replied calmly like it was some thing normal to tell a human bean "fucking great" I mouthed under my breath.

"Okay, you see mister mafia boss dude, I wasn't the one that borrowed your money, heck I didn't even know that piece of shit took your money so why don't you meet him and solve your problems"

"Well you see my sweet angel, his time is up and am pretty sure he can't pay my money" he said with a sumg look on his face.

"And you are using me as a fucking collateral, are you even fucking human do you have a fucking heart how heartless can you be bast....",

before I could finish I felt a force hit me on the wall and a hand round my troat, but not enough to suffocate me. I felt a hot breath on my ears that sends shivers down my spine and a husky voice that will put you on your knees

" don't you dear ever talk to me like that!! Ever you hear me. I do not tolerate such form of disrespect, you hear me, and sweetheart prepare for our wedding it's in 2 weeks time whether you like it or not, or you can always choice the point of your sweet daddies empire going to the slums and probably me killing you okay chose wisely babe."

He finished with a smirk and living my room with out another word.

What the fucking hell just happened, I've never been so scared in my life before, but damn that got me good.

Well mister hot guy I hate you more than before know congrats, am going to make your life a fucking hell know if you think you will marry me forcefully. (Evil smiles)

I got into the shower and relaxed my muscles with the worm water and get my emotions in place, stupid bitch I don't even know his stupid name.

I got out of the shower and got out and put some presentable cloths on and got down to feel my stomach, "yeppy food" I shouted before going down, like bitch who doesn't love food I just hope that ass hole is gone.

OK guys long time no see hope you like that chapter and am planning on realising a double update this week.

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