chapter 8

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Rossey's pov

So today is the dreadful day I have not  been waiting for, me and Damon decided to have a small wedding at the back of his mansion since I do not know any of my family members and his a mafia boss and he needs to keep the security tight.

Must of the people invited are either his business associate or some of his family members.

The make up artists was busy with my hair and face which was very annoying 'like dude why do we have to put make up and guys don't have to, who even created this shit'

I wore my wedding gown at list its beautiful it was quite long and baby blue in colour I don't like that old fashion white.

"Rossey are you ready" my step father shouted coming inside the room.
'Why must this bitch shout doesn't he know his voice is annoying enough' I thought to my self.

"Yes I am"

"Alright, come let's get going"

We step out of our house and a black limo was waiting for us outside, the chauffeur opened the doors for me and my step father to get in.

It took us about an hour together to his home, it was at the outskirts of town with no much civilization.

His mansion was big, when I say big I mean really big its like twice ours, sometimes I wonder why people build such big homes when they aren't much, is it just to show up there money I seriously do not know, but it was quite beautiful it had a huge fountain at front and different type if flowers all over the place.

A servants wearing a butlers uniform guided us to the back of the house were the ceremony will take place.

I was shock was an understatement, this place looked fogging amazing, everything was well decorated there was flowers white roses to be precise, they were actually my favorite but no body know about  that probably a coincidence, but dude this place is  amazing.

My step father held my hands and guided me down the aisle,  though I didn't want him to I didn't have a choice, even though this was an arranged marriage I will have loved my real father to have walked me down, god I wished he was still around all this won't had happen.

Damon's pov

'My god' i breathed under my breath she looks like god just dropped her down from heaven.

Absolutely  beautiful, gorgeous just simply amazing.

Am really blessed. Her beautiful wedding gown that's off shoulder that fell  down her waist with a tight grip and flayed down in a long waves and it was baby blue, not a wedding gown colour I don't mind really it makes her more unique, just how I love her, her face was covered with a White vale just waiting for me to unravel the beauty underneath. Why are they coming so slowly. OK I know am being impatient, but who won't.

Finally they reach and her step father put her beautiful small slender soft hands in my larger ones, 'heaven' that's the only thing I can say right know.

The priest was saying something's that I didn't really bothered listing to, just concentrating at the beautiful specimen in front of me she looked a bit confused like she was in a deep thought and was not really concentrating to what the priest said.

"Do you Mr Damon McQueen take Miss Rossy Williams as your faithfully married wife in sickness and in health tell death do you part"

"I do " I said without any hesitation

"Do you Miss Rossy Williams take Mr Damon McQueen as your faithfully married husband in sickness and in health tell death do you part"

There was a few seconds of silent hesitation that was making me quit scared, I hope she doesn't say no I thought  before she replied "I do"

"By the power invested in me I here by make you both husband and wife you may kiss the bride"

'You don't have to say that twice'

And unveiled her, god so beautiful I thought, there was a huge glair  on her face telling me not to even try it, but off occurs I ignored her and drew her face closer to me and dropped a heart melting kiss on her soft plump lips, at first she didn't kiss back but later she decided to kiss back it was a simple kiss but god damn I could do it all day long, we withdrawn In my absolute disappointment.

Her face was flushed her lips all red and swollen, she looked so adorable, my sweet angle.

The crowed clapped  and charred for us, we later left for the reception dance a bit cut the cake and took some pictures filled with fake smiles must of the from my wife dearest.

I know I'm forcing her into this marriage but I will try my best to make her love me and let her see the amount of love I have for her may be one day she might love me back, I hoped.

"So after this then what" she said with a tired and bored voice.

"Well wife dearest we are going for our honeymoon" I said

"Fist of all don't ever call me that and second of all no one told me about any honeymoon so am not going" what she said hurt me a little bit but I will just try and ignore it she's quite tired I don't blame her

"Well whether you like it or not we are going, common let's ditch this place" I said holding her by her waist and guiding her at list she didn't push me away, that made me fill a little bit good.

' god I just want to go and sleep and get rid off off this uncomfortable cloths and this shoes and get this annoying thing called make up off my face' she mothered under breath thinking I didn't hear her, she must be really tired.

************************************hey y'all new update upp.

Sorry about the errors not edited yet and the wedding scene I know quit boring, am not really good at making a wedding scene.

So plz don't forget to vote,bloke and comment. Share if possible.

And I won't be updating tell I get them good 10 votes on this chapter I really worked hard on it so support.😍😍😍😍

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