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Don't forget to read the authors note at the end

"Please live me alone, I did nothing to you why are you doing this to me" the young teenager cried. "Shout up nerd, your whole existence is a problem to us".

Young Damon had been bullied through out his high school life, living with his poor mother alone in the shabby part of town, were his mom had to do multiple jobs just to put food on the table.

Young Damon had not had the best of childhood, he had a rough time growing up, with an alcoholic father that abuses him and uses the little Money his mom worked for and pay for his pleasure drugs.

His body is mostly covered in bruises and he uses baggy long sleeve shirts to cover them up and when he gets to school his bullies makes them worst.

" please let me go" the poor  boy cried out.

"Can't you understand shout up and take your heat like a man, next time when we say do our home work you will do it without complaints" he said and banged Damon's head on the locker causing blood to rundown his face.

"Why won't he cry Jacob " said one of the bullies

" I don't know" replied Jacob "may be he has not gotten enough" Jacob laughed with an evil voice.

'One thing Damon learned from his father is never to cry, it shows weakness, no matter the pain you are going through just suck it up like a man and take it' His fathers cruel words rang inside his ears.

"What the fuck are you bitches doing to that poor boy" said the most angelic voice Damon has ever hard.

"Back up princess we don't want you to cry about a broken nail" Jacob laughed with his other friends.

"Let me not repeat my self what the hell are you doing to that boy" she said more boldly clenching her fists together.

"Listen up princess just get out of here okay and no one gets hurt, and when i say no one I mean you......" Jacob said with an evil smirk looking her up with a lustful gaze.

" .....or if you want we can later hit up the janitor closet, what you say" he finished up with a smirk.

"Or what about you meeting in the Janitor's closet with my fist" the girl said punching Jacob on the face breaking his nose, blood running down  his lips " what did you just do bitch" " why don't you come and find out"

Jacob jumped and tried tackling her to the grown but the girl dogged and kicked him on the floor and smashed his fingers with her boot.

"Oh, and sweetheart don't ever try laying your hands on a lady it quite rude okay" the girl said turning around and looking at the crowed "oh, and let me make this clear, I don't want to see anyone of you laying your hands on this boy his mine get it" she said Turing around and facing the boy.

"You okay there" she knelt to his level

"Yyy_eess" he stammered "but yoouu know yoo_u didn't have to, know theyyy might makkke you a vicctim"

"No worry about that big boy, no one can go through me"

."please may I know your name"

"The names Rossey " she stood up helping him get up.

Damon looked at the beautiful creature before his eyes, she was like a guardian angel to him. She was so flawless in every way and her voice is so amazing.

"Oh and by the way don't think I helped you because I want to be friends, no way don't want and don't need them."

"And don't think I saved you from those bullies, no way I was just looking for a play toy because am your new personal bully"

Damon looked at her  'personal bully' what dose she mean she want to continue bullying him he thought she was his saviour, but he didn't worry about that because deep in her eyes he can see she's just broken and needed fixing, and even if she's going to bully him it won't be as bad as his Jordan And his friends do to him. She was just too kind hearted even if she tries to hide it its impossible.

"I have no problem with that" he said he said with a smile on his lips "at list it wont be worst than before could it"

As those sentences left his mouth there was a flicker of emotion that went through Rossey's eyes but it was quickly gone before seen, but Damon saw them and thought 'may be I can have a chance'.

"OK nerd" she said. But those words didn't  hurt him like how it those coming from her lips "hold my bags, we are almost late to class show me the way." She said tossing her bag pack to him and him leading away.

that was how a beautiful attraction was made or obsession some may call it.

************************************ A/N hellow my ladies and humble gentle men

So here is the chapter I promised and I pls don't forget to vote, comments and share it will really mean a lot to me and please we need 300  readers if you want me to update the next chapter. Bye thank you loves

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