chapter 10

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Rossy's POV

"Wake up angel" I herd a husky voice say in my ear.

"Wake up'' who the hell is this looking for a death.

" Angel please wake up", I just snuggled dipper into the ignoring who ever is disturbing my sleep.

After a few minutes I felt a soft warm lips kissing up from my under jaw up to my upper jaw and to my chicks, I mown feeling a ticklish feeling that made me giggle, 'wait, wait up there giggle me giggle what the hell.

I quickly jumped off the bed landing flat on my stomach groaning while the pain stung my elbow for catching my fall.

"Angel you alright"

"Let me help you up" he stretched his arm to help me up, I ignored him and gave him a stern look and said

"What the hell are you doing sucking on my face you creep"

"Sucking on your face I was giving you butterfly kisses and I didn't see you complaining when I was doing it" he finished with a pout that made him look really cute.

I boosted laughing out loud and rolling on the floor.

"What are you laughing at" he said with a frown on his face looking all confused.

"You" I replied trying to sober up.

" what so funny about me"  he asked looking all confused which made him look way cuter than before.

"You know for a mafia king your really cute right."

"What!! Me cute no way, handsome, hot, stunning yes you can say that twice but not cute."

"Wow, I think I have wound someone's man ego."

"Yes you have wound my ego very much my lady and get your ass off that floor and let's go have breakfast am starving and will soon be reaching our destination soon." He finished

"So were are we going"

"Still not going to tell you angel, how many times will I tell you its a surprise"

"Well I don't like surprises"
I Moulter under my breath

"Well you better start getting use to it cuz I got a lot of surprises  coming up for you"

"Blaaaaaa...... With the cheesiness durk"   
"Am Hungary let get me some food in my tommy"
what am not like those type of girls in novels just because they hate a guy then they will decide to starve them selves nope nope that's just ain't me.

I stood up from the floor and past Damon to get me food.

Damon's pov

I watched as she rushed out the  room with her ass bouncing a little I just couldn't get my eyes off of it.

As I got to the room she already had food stuffed in to her face if any one saw her like this they might be disgusted but she looked really cute to me, my angel god am obsessed.

"What you looking at " she said with her mouth full of food, just cute.

"Nothing just admiring my beautiful wife" I replied.

"Creep" I heard her say under her breath.

"So are you going to eat or keep on watching me"

"Those someone care about me"

"Yeah right, I was just asking in case your not eating so that I can have yours"

Well her eating habit still has not changed since when we were teens, I wonder how she's not fat and how those curves are still intact.


"So nerd were is the cafeteria located at am starving"
"That's the door over there".

I followed close behind her as she opened the cafeteria door in a dramatic way making all eyes turn on us. 'God how I hate the attention.
She matched with so much confidence to the line with me following her close behind like a lost puppy.

She skipped the line and went straight to the front cutting in

" I don't think your suppose to do that Rossy you might get in trouble"  I whispered to her.

"Well my middle name is trouble, know follow me peasant am starving and I can't wait in any  lines".

I kept quite and followed her timidly afraid of the outcome.

" hey get back at the line " one of the jocks shouted.

"Or what " she turned around looking all confidence I really do admire her only if I could be like her.

"Or you will regret the outcome"

"Or really" she turned around fully facing him putting on her bras knuckles looking at him with a smile.

"We don't want any trouble just get your food with your little friend and move I don't want any attention"

I was really happy she didn't deny us being friends, may be there is a hope.

"Well that sounds perfect" she said and we got our food and went looking for a table and I didn't see some one stick out there foot which made me trip sending my food flying to the ground, and me following next luckily not landing on the food.

"Who did that " Rossy said turning around and scanning the table."Rossy its really OK I don't mind, am use to this already" I said and her ignoring me.

"I did, what you going to do about it" one if the cheerleader's chirped with an annoying voice that can give someone a headache.

"Well nothing, just this" she said and slammed her food tray right at her face and poured her drink into her shirt.

" what the hell" she shouted

"Or and any body that messes around with him will regret it and I promise to make his or her life a living hell, got that" she said facing the crowd with an authoritative voice.

She pulled my arm and dragged me outside the cafeteria through the back door.

"Thank you for what you did Rossy"
I said great fully .

"Don't thank me, remember what I told you about only me been the one allowed to bully you, yeah so that means no. One. Is . allowed. To .touch. You. If. Not. Me okkkyy.. Okey"

"Oh and you owe me lunch"

And that how we missed almost a day of school looking for a perfect place for her royal highness to eat, which ended of her in healing her food and half of mine. Perfect day ever if I might say so my self.


"Earth to durk we are about to land "

Rossy said cutting me off my day dreaming.

"Oh sorry I spaced out" and looked at me weirdly.
I strapped my sit belt on and in few minutes we landed.

I helped her off the plane and our laugages were been taken to the waiting car.

"So you still won't tell me were we are"

"Angel welcome to Rome"

"Rome?" she replied with her eyes wide with shock and happiness.
"Yep Rome angel"


Sorry guys for the long wait school stuff kept me on my feet and we are writing exams so wish me luck.

Bye lovessss💓💓💓💓💓💓

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