chapter 2

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So the day has finally come, wow I can't believe am through with college, it fells like it was just yesterday I was given my first wagie.

Since today is a day not to forget I decided to doll my self up a bit. I wore a beautiful knee length dress that shows my curves, a nude high heel and curled my hair and added a bit of make up.

I stayed at the mirror and I can't believe what am looking at, a beautiful young confident woman stirred at me it felt so strange I couldn't resist the smile that broke on my lips.

************************************ The hall was well decorated, everything was in the right place I couldn't believe this is really happening.

The vice concealer started his speech which I wasn't really paying attention to the part that really got me was when he said they was a special guest of honor that will be given us our certificate.

After the long worthless speech, the guest finally damn that guy is hot when I say hot I mean really hot. He wore an expensive looking armani suits that hugs his body deliciously and his jaw is as sharp as a knife and then dose eyes, they look so familiar those green orbs looks really familiar were have I seen them before.

Then as if he felt some one checking him out he turned around and faced me, he looked straight into my eyes, and bom he smirked and guess what fucking happened......... I freaking blushed, like blushed what the hell is he doing to me.

About like five minutes later my name was called.

This is it, this is what I have been waiting for finally freedom.

As I walked to the stage not forgetting to add my bad girl walk and a little sway to my hips, good lord I feel confident.

My certificate was handed to me by one and only Mr handsome.....OK I know I didn't pay attention to know his name, what not my fault his all good looking.

Then I shocked his hand i swear i felt an electric sparks He held my hand for a way to long but i ain't complaining .
'Oh my god your such a sluty virgen'

Shot up brain its not my fault his so handsome.

As he let go of my hands, I felt a bit disappointed, well not all good things last in my world.
Finally the event is over and am on my way to the hostel to pack my stuff up and be on my way to another bigger hell hole, I call home just great.

I wasn't watching were I was going and I mistakenly bumped into some one, I gave him a little apology with a straight face, but when I looked up I was shocked it was Mr handsome wow just my luck. "Never new you could apologize beautiful", oh my god he just called me beautiful, but wait that sentence he just said so rude OK I think know I don't like him as much as I do. I just ignored him and walked away. Yeah go bad ass.

OK I know so cheesy and not so interesting but I promise you the next few chapters will make u squill.🥰🥰

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