chapter 11

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Rossy's pov

We have been driving for almost an hour know.

"Are we almost there..ahhh" I poked him on his ribs.

And he ignored me, he fucking ignored me.

I kept on poking his ribs continuously "are we almost there" "are we almost there" "yoo" "yoooooo".

" if you poke me one more time I swear you will regret it" I didn't  listing and kept on poking him, within a swift move he turned me around and smashed me on the sit rest hovering over me, with his breath fanning over my lips without a warning he smashed his lips over mine in a hungry kiss.

Damon's pov

" if you poke me one more time I swear you will regret it" I warned her, as the stubborn person she is she didn't listing she kept on poking me.

With out a warning I turned her around and smashed my lips on hers in a hungry kiss.

I drew her lips and sucked on it, I tried to put my tung in but she refused so I did the sensible thing by squeezing her bobbs making her open her mouth with a moan allowing me to plunge my tung into her mouth and testing every corner of her mouth, so sweet I kept on massaging her bobbs and hearing beautiful moans from her  mouth making my dick twitch  and erecting in my pants painfully.

"Damon stop mmmhhh" she moaned my name, this is the first time she said my name which made me to continue the kiss a little bit more aggressively.

"Damon" she said a little bit clearer pushing me gently "some one is knocking you fool"

"What " I said in a dais .

"Someone is knocking you dumb ass " she shouted unlocking the door.

"Sir we are here" the driver said.

"Were are we" she said getting out of the car looking around her surrounding with twinkle in her eyes and the steady ocean air blowing her hair in an angelic way, keeping me in an enchantment of her beauty.

" yo what are you looking at, I asked you were are we" she said again waving her hands around my face snapping me out of my dais.

" oh sorry, we are at the ship port"

"Ship port" she said.
"Yes ship port "

"What are we doing here"

"Well my angel, we are going to my private island " I said proudly.

"Private island, woah private island you have a freaking island, dude how rich are you" she shouted with her eyes all big and cute looking.

" very, very rich" I replied with a smug look.

"Egolistic fool" she said and ran to the the port.

" so which is yours" she turned around asking looking all clueless.

"All, this is my private port."

"All",  " yes all angel, pick the one you want " I said to her.

"OK... Then I want that one" she pointed to one of my black speed boats with a golden written mcqueen on it which is my favorite.

"My favorite" I said walking to the boat and holding her close to me by her waist. 

"Yo back off buddy no touching " she said trying to push me off of her, but off course I didn't listing and held her a bit tight but not tight enough to bruise her.

We walked to the boat and I helped her on, as soon as I let her go she ran to the edge of Tue boat  admiring the ocean.

"This is so cool, this my first time in a speed boat, f freaking awesome".
She shouted looking in to the ocean.

" this your first time!!" I said a bit  shocked, because her family are quite rich I wonder why she's has never been on a boat before, probably because of that sick fool of a step father of hers.

"Don't be to shocked, everyone has a first time for everything" she said with a little bit of sadness lingering in her voice which she tried to cover up quickly with a fake smile.

"No worries my sweet angel this won't be your last and will surly be doing a lot of things and make all your first be with me" I said, walking up to her wrapping my arms around her waist and putting my nose at the crock of her neck inhailing her sweet strawberry scent making her stiff.

Rossy's pov

I felt him wrap his arms around me and sniffing my hair and letting out an audible Sigh, which gave me some unknown feeling at the pit of my stomach, like something is crawling in my tommy weird.

I pushed him gently to created a bit of space between us, because I was feeling highly uncomfortable.

"Quit sniffing me are you a dog or something and what did I say about no touching and personal space."

"Sorry angel, but its not my fault you are so inresistable" he replied with a dreamy look in his face.

"You seriously got issues" I replied.

"Yeah issues for you that I really do."
He smirked trying to hold me again.

"Yoo back off dude no touching remember"

"What did I do to deserve such punishment angel" he whined.

"What a big baby"

"Well I can be your baby" he replied with a toothy grin.
Coming close to me, but not touching me this time, he just stand close to the railing and looked into the ocean.

Damn he really is handsome, his hair was flowing beautifully around his face my hands iching to brush it with my fingers, with those killer jaws that can cut a glass and that nose and his lips that looks so soft to kiss, wait hold up were did that thought come from.

"You know angel you can just take a picture it will last longer" he said with an arrogant smirk plastered on his sinful lips.

I quickly turned around embarrassed for  caught starring and my cheeks red with embarrassment, fuck when did I start blushing what the hell is this man doing to me.

"You look really beautiful when you blush" he said ridding my cheeks with the pad of his fingers "freaking beautiful".
I smaked his hand away from my face

"Shut up I wasn't blushing you idiot "

"What ever you say angel" he turned around chuckling to him self in this pant wetting way, making my inside tingle, "oh god damn what's happening to me ".

" angel look over there we are here"

I turned around looking at a magnificent island its so beautiful tress natur and all, a beautiful mansion standing beautifully.

"Wow" I said shocked.

"Breath taken isn't it"

"Yeah" I replied .

As the boat stopped at the port Damon helped me to get off the the boat and the works helped us up load of our  stuffs .

Damon held my hand and pulled me to the mansion,  and I kept on admiring the Paradise like a kid in a candy store.

"this place is really beautiful"

"Am glad you like it" he replied with a genuine smile plastered on his face.

"Come on let get inside and rest before we go exploring."  He said and pulled me into the mansion.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2021 ⏰

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