chapter 9

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Rossey's pov

After Damon dragged me out of our own wedding reception, his driver drove us to the airport so that we could go to the honeymoon which he refused to tell me were.

We stopped at the airport and parked close to a magnificent private jet with the word McQueen engraved into it in gold.

"Come on love, let's get going." He held my waist and walked me in to the jet.

It was quite beautiful and I was really impressed with what I saw, the theme was black and white, with good looking furniture's that shouts come sit on me.

I pushed my self off of Damon and jumped on one of the chairs and relaxed my foot.

"Let me help you fasting up your sit belt angel" I didn't mind any of his nick name calling and allow him to fix my belt.

After some few couple of minutes the pilot announced we were taking of. Once we were fully in the sky I removed my belt, "mehn this cloths are uncomfortable" I coursed.

"Go to the door by your left, Thiers a room there you can go refreshing up there and there are a set of cloths also for you to change" Damon said

"Ahh thank you" I said

"Welcome love know go change we don't want you uncomfortable for the rest of the ride, we still got a long way to go"

"So were are we going again" I tried to ask

"Not so fast angel, its a surprise" he said with a smirk

"I don't care, come on just tell me.  "


"Asshole " I whispered and walked away

" I herd that"

"Well you were suppose to" I shouted back and walked into the room.

As got into the room, I was god smacked by its  beauty 'man this guy is filthy rich' this room is beautiful, if I can spend the rest of my life Here so be it.

There was a sweat pants and tank top on the bed, at list he knows my style I will give him that but not telling him to his face, his ego is already large enough.

I changed out off the uncomfortable gown finally freedom I breath a sigh of  relief.

And jumped on the bed letting the darkness take over me, sweet bliss.

Damon's POV:

What's taking her so long, why isn't she out yet, I thought to my self. 'Patient Damon, she's probably change women take their time in that department very well, 'but not all women not my angel' I thought getting up to check on her.

As I got to the room I saw my angel on the bed looking sleeping all beautiful and begging me to come snuggle with only if she will allow. Guess she's really tired she had already falling asleep, well that was fast.

She was in my sweat and a tank top looking all beautiful, her brown chocolate hair was spread on the pillow covering her face like a courting.

My hands reached and remove some bit of hair from her face, she looks so peaceful.

I went to the toilet and refreshing up a bit and put on some comfortable cloth and climbed on the bed pulling my wife closer, snuggling closer to her and spooning her from behind.
She smells divine, I know that's creepy but I can't help my self she smells good.

She moved a little making me scared that I woke her up and her catching me been a creep, but she didn't instead she snuggled into me and laid her head on my chest and putting her legs over mine unconsciously, with a cute satisfying smile to her face.

Heaven I tell you this is pure bliss.
Just imagine a mafian leader behaving like a love sick puppy for a girl.

Well not just any girl my angel.
I know she might not remembered me but, I will try and take things slow with her and she will eventually open up to me one day.

And hopefully start a family, woh hold up moving to fast but I just can't wait I really love her and am going to make sure she returns that filling back cuz she's stuck with me for eternity. 

Hey lovelys sorry for the late update school stuff has been keeping me up my toes and I know the chapter is a bit boring and short bit promise the next one will be way better. Bye ❤❤❤

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