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* Home sweet hell, that's what I call this place. I paid the taxi driver that brought me here and thanked him and made my self to the hell hole. I rang the bell, and guess who answered, yep your right my bitch of a stepfather. ''Rossey what are you doing here", he said with his ugly ass face. '' oh nothing stepfather, you know I live here''. '' oh are you here for the break, because you never spend your breaks at home if you don't mind me asking.  'oh I defiantly mind you asking ', that what I wanted to say to that fucker. can you fucking believe him he doesn't even know that his step daughter has finish collage. ''No stepfather am through with collage that why am back home", I told him with a fake smile. ''oh am glad ''.  '' wont you let me come in''.  '' sorry please do come in, its your home also '', he said.

 OK why is he been nice, something is fishy. well I will just role with it. '' you remember the way to your room right '', he said. '' yes '' I answered weird something is really going on, well fuck it. '' diner is by 7, so be down and don't be late '' he said   '' all right stepfather '', and am off to my room. 

Thank god my room still looks the same, I dumped my suit case on the bed striped and hopped into the shower, in not to going to lie but the hot water felt really good on my back, it was soothing my muscles.

I hoped out of the shower and wrap my towel around me, I walked to my bag that I doped on the floor, I end of picking out a  tank top and a sweat pant and my sandals. I turned around and look at the mirror satisfied with how I look .

I look at the clock at its already 7:10. I rushed down stairs and my step father was already eating at the head table. I sat by his left an fetched my food at started eating in an unlady like manner and my stepfather gave me a disgusted look and I gave him the 'am hungry look so face your food' look and continued eating in an awkward silent. 

''Rossy''  the old man called "what" I answered, he looked at me with a disapproving face '' you are getting married" he dropped the boom on me. 


sorry for the very very late update just got super busy and I know the chapter is not really interesting but I promise the next one will be

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