Chapter Two

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When Blaine committed to waiting a week to text Sebastian, he didn't anticipate it being so difficult. He hoped Sebastian would text him at some point to check in, but it never happened. By Wednesday, Blaine knew something was up. He decided to stop by the Lima Bean, hoping they might "accidentally" run into each other since Sebastian always seemed to be hanging out there. But even then, he was nowhere to be seen. At first, Blaine thought it was for the best. After all, he didn't understand why he so desperately wanted Sebastian to text him. He was definitely still hung up on Kurt and he kept telling himself he had no interest in getting tangled up in something new with Sebastian, but he knew he wanted something. Thursday afternoon, Blaine decided he couldn't take it anymore. When he reached the choir room for glee rehearsal, he pulled out his phone and was about to send a text to Sebastian when he heard Tina's voice approaching him.

"Hey Blaine." She wrapped her arm around him and they sat down next to each other. "Are you and Kurt finally talking again?" Her eyes lit up, so hopeful that his relationship with Kurt would start up again.

Blaine never understood Tina's obsession with his romance with Kurt, but in a way, he found it somewhat refreshing. At least someone understood that he and Kurt were soulmates. On the other hand, it could be pretty annoying. Tina's constant reminder of what Blaine lost combined with her always asking for an update on the relationship just reminded him that he had made no progress in his quest to earn Kurt's trust again. "No, it's not Kurt." He looked down and turned his phone off, hoping he could prevent himself from sending the text until Saturday, like he originally planned.

Tina's eyebrow raised in suspicion at Blaine's response. "Everyone you talk to is in this room, Blaine."

For a moment, Blaine contemplated telling Tina the truth. It would be nice to have someone to talk to about this, especially someone who understood his complex history with Sebastian and Kurt. But then he remembered the turmoil left by Sebastian on the New Directions and figured Tina would never understand. "It's just my mom."

"No way, this is not the face you have when you text your mom; it's the face you have when you talk about Kurt. What's going on?" She asked, glaring at him. Damn Tina for knowing him so well.

Blaine shook his head and turned to face her. "Okay, you have to promise not to tell anyone."

Just as Blaine was about to confess the secrets of his weekend to Tina, Sam arrived and grabbed Blaine's shoulders as he sat behind him, pulling himself so that his face was between his two closest friends. "Promise not to tell anyone what?"

Blaine blushed as Sam arrived, completely forgetting that Sam already knew most of the details of his newly established...whatever he had with Sebastian. Maybe it was nothing at all since Sebastian never reached out to him after he dropped Blaine off. "I was just going to tell Tina the stuff about Sebastian," Blaine admitted, hesitantly glancing toward Tina.

Tina's eyes widened as she looked between Blaine and Sam. "What about Sebastian? And you already told Sam?" She looked offended. Blaine figured Tina would be upset about him talking to Sam first, but it just kind of happened, and it didn't seem like such a big deal at the time. He had no idea what was going on with Sebastian or if it was anything at all, so he didn't see a reason to blow it out of proportion by shouting it from the rooftops.

"Look, it's nothing. I went out drinking with Sebastian on Friday, that's all," Blaine offered, hoping the explanation would suffice for Tina.

He knew better than that, though. "Wait so you're texting with him again?"

Sam immediately turned his attention to Blaine. "Dude, you didn't tell me you were texting with him now, too. What's he saying?" Sam reached for Blaine's phone, but he pulled it back before Sam had the chance to read anything.

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