Chapter Three

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A/N: Thank you for reading/voting/commenting on this story! It truly means a lot to hear what everyone has to say. I hope you continue to stick with the story and give any feedback that you have. Here's chapter three :) 

Tech week passed by slowly as Blaine spent every night at school until at least nine. He hated not eating dinner or getting to work on homework until that late at night, but he knew it would all be worth it come opening night. He hoped Sebastian would still be there like he promised he would, but part of him doubted that he actually meant his promise. After all, their last conversation was pretty weird and most of their texts throughout the week were superficial at best. The flirty banter was reduced to a minimum as they both spent the week focusing on different things. Of course, now that they shared that amazing kiss and had that terribly awkward conversation afterward, so much of the fun involved in the flirty banter turned into stress. Blaine didn't want to think about what Sebastian's comments meant anymore.

Plus, most of Blaine's thoughts still revolved around Kurt. He needed to see him. He needed to know if they even had a chance. He made it through the week only texting Kurt twice and trying to call him once...although that didn't include his two attempted Skype calls. He tried to distance himself in case space is what Kurt needed, but it felt like if he stopped, Kurt might see it as Blaine giving up on their relationship.

He decided not to tell Sam or Tina about the kiss. He didn't want to overcomplicate things and he figured that their conversation after the kiss probably meant it wouldn't be happening again, so why worry about it? He and Sebastian could just be friends again. That's all he wanted anyway, right? No matter how good of a kiss it was, he was still in love with Kurt, and he had to prioritize getting Kurt back.

By the time opening night arrived, Blaine could have sworn he sang "Beauty School Dropout" more than anyone ever had. He needed to nail that song if it was his only chance to shine in the school musical. He arrived at McKinley an hour before curtain to change into his costume. The doors opened a half hour before the show, so he had plenty of time to make sure he was ready before the performance.

While Blaine sat at a vanity in the auditorium fixing his makeup for the performance, he received a text from Sebastian.

Hey, Killer. Come find me :) -Sebastian

Blaine figured it couldn't hurt to leave for a bit since he still had 20 minutes until showtime. Plus, his song wasn't until after intermission so it would be fine if he didn't make it backstage until late. He left the auditorium and wandered into the hallway. He should've known Sebastian wouldn't be out in the open somewhere. He eventually found him in the courtyard sitting by himself while he looked over the program. "Teen Angel, huh?" Sebastian asked.

He had no idea how Sebastian knew he was there if he never looked up from the program, but he didn't worry too much about it. He sat down next to him at the table and glanced at the program. "Beauty School Dropout is a fantastic song," Blaine defended.

"Hey, I didn't say anything about it." Sebastian held his hands up in defense. "You look good in all white. You're totally the angel to my devil." He winked at Blaine and Blaine couldn't help but blush at the joke.

"I didn't think you'd be into that kind of thing," Blaine shrugged.

Sebastian's lips rose into his signature smirk. "I could be into a lot of things for you, Killer."

Blaine bit his lip as he thought about the comment. He wished he could fire back with an equally flirty comment, but it never came as naturally to him as it did to Sebastian. "I should get going. Curtain's in 10 minutes."

Sebastian nodded as he stood up and reached for Blaine's hand to help him up from the chair. "Break a leg, then. I'll see you after the show?"

There was a bit of hesitation in the question that Blaine couldn't quite understand, but he did want to spend time talking to Sebastian after the show. After being around him even just for a few moments, he was reminded of all of the ominous comments Sebastian made the weekend before and he wanted to know the truth. "Yeah, I can meet you outside the auditorium," Blaine agreed. He walked away before he could say anything stupid. He needed to get backstage in time for Finn and Artie's pre-show pep talk.

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