Chapter Nine

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The Saturday following Thanksgiving was weird. Blaine dropped Sebastian off at Dalton in the morning after he spent the night because he had a lacrosse practice to get to and Blaine needed to do some homework. As much as he wanted to stay in his perfect little bubble with Sebastian forever, he knew it wasn't possible and they needed to return to reality. He finally texted Kurt back that morning, still feeling guilty that he never responded the day before.

Hey, sorry for the delayed response. Lost track of time shopping yesterday. Did you get any cool Black Friday deals in NYC? -Blaine

He decided not to answer the question about how he spent his Thanksgiving. It felt weird responding to it so late, so he decided on ending with an open-ended question and hoped for the best.

The whole morning after sending the text was spent contemplating his future with Kurt and Sebastian. He felt stupid for feeling so conflicted and upset when he had two amazing guys in his life, but he still needed to figure out his own emotions and couldn't find a way to do it.

Winter break was coming up and everyone was so busy with schoolwork and finishing off the semester that Blaine barely heard from either Kurt or Sebastian, which he didn't mind. He continued meeting Sebastian most days for coffee, but they didn't hang out much besides that since they both had so much on their plates. There was almost no kissing involved and certainly no more blow jobs given they only saw each other in very public places where they ran the risk of being spotted by someone from McKinley or Dalton.

By the time Christmas arrived, Blaine desperately needed a break. He loved everything about Christmas time, from getting to see Cooper after so many months apart to decorating the house for the holidays to baking Christmas cookies. Sebastian texted him in the morning on the day before Christmas Eve, making Blaine's eyes light up with joy.

Merry almost Christmas ;) As you know, the Dalton break is notoriously long so I'm going to need something to fill my time. Got any ideas? -Sebastian

Blaine smiled at the text, happy they finally had time to spend together again. He was about to respond when he noticed another text come in, this time from Kurt.

Ice skating tomorrow? -Kurt

He thought about what he would say for a long time before finally settling on agreeing to meet Kurt. The love was still there, and he needed to know what thoughts Kurt had on the situation.

Definitely :) -Blaine

When he sent the text to Kurt, he knew he needed to think of a way to help Sebastian see he wasn't abandoning him for Kurt. The best way to do that was through doing the exact opposite. He decided he would spend as much time as possible with Sebastian over the break until he figured out exactly how he felt about him and ensured that Sebastian would never again doubt his commitment to their friendship.

Merry almost Christmas :) Let's do something the day after Christmas. What days are the Warblers' performing? I'd love to come to a show. -Blaine

One of his favorite parts of being a Warbler was the holiday concert series. He always loved performing, but there was nothing more magical than acapella Christmas carols with his brothers from Dalton. Sebastian eventually responded with dates of the performances and agreeing to make plans for the day after Christmas, leaving Blaine to decide what he would tell Sebastian and Kurt about his experiences with both of them.

His non-date with Kurt arrived quicker than he expected, and he found himself waiting for him at the skating rink for 15 minutes before he finally showed up. Seeing Kurt felt surreal. Blaine couldn't tell what it was, but something about Kurt looked different than the last time they spoke in person. They shared an awkward hug before exchanging any words and Blaine immediately started to question whether this was a good idea. "It's so good to see you," Kurt smiled as he pulled away from the hug. "Merry Christmas."

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