Chapter Eleven

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A/N: So here's the same chapter from Blaine's perspective. I thought it'd be nice to show both sides of the story. I hope y'all enjoy! Comments and votes always appreciated :)

Blaine woke up the morning after Christmas with a smile already plastered on his face. He had been looking forward to spending the day with Sebastian for a long time. His feelings for Sebastian escalated by the day. With all of the confusion of his relationship with Kurt and the potential future relationship with Sebastian, the only thing he was really sure of was that he wanted Sebastian in his life.

When he picked up his phone for the first time that morning, he noticed a message from Sebastian from an hour earlier and realized he slept in way later than he intended to.

Hey Killer. What time should I come over? ;) -Sebastian

Before opening the text, he was sure his smile couldn't get any bigger. But reading those words and that wink at the end proved him wrong. Just as he was about to text back, that smile faded. Kurt's name and image were lighting up his phone. At first, Blaine didn't answer. He ignored the call and went back to writing a text back to Sebastian. But before he could hit send, he received a text from Kurt.

Please answer. It's important. -Kurt

Blaine wanted to keep ignoring it, but he wasn't the type to abandon his friends in times of crisis. Sebastian's words that night at his house ran through his mind as he contemplated answering Kurt's call. You're an incredible friend. You never hesitate to stick up for every one of them. That included Kurt. No matter what, he knew Kurt was his friend and would be a part of his life; they shared the same friend group and had similar career aspirations. Despite their relationship status, Blaine knew he'd inevitably continue to cross paths with his ex. He hoped Sebastian would understand that was the reason why he needed to answer the call. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"My dad has cancer." Kurt's voice sounded numb, like he didn't even know what he was saying.

He was taken aback by Kurt's announcement at first. Burt was one of the sweetest people Blaine had ever met. In comparison to Blaine's dad, Burt was a saint. Even through all of his problems with Kurt, Blaine had always found a support system in Burt. After all of the turmoil of Blaine's relationship with Kurt, Burt continued to be a father figure in his life and offer him advice when no one else seemed to understand. "What?" Blaine asked, unsure of how else he could react. The shock of Kurt's reveal put Blaine at a loss for words.

"It's prostate cancer. The prognosis is pretty positive, but I'm still really scared. I didn't know who else to call. Rachel is on vacation with her dads and Mercedes already went back to L.A. Finn is here, but he's obviously struggling with the news himself. Can you... can you please come over?" Kurt sounded weak, like he'd been crying for hours.

After hearing the desperation in Kurt's voice, Blaine knew he needed to do something to help. No matter what was going on with their relationship, he knew he needed to be a good friend. After all, he knew better than anyone what it was like to use one person as an entire support system. "Yeah, of course I'll come over. I'll be there in a few minutes, okay?"


Blaine quickly threw on the first clothes he could find, being careful not to wear Sebastian's sweatshirt that he'd been hiding in for days. He called Sebastian on his way to Kurt's house to let him know they needed to cancel their plans and even though Sebastian's reaction wasn't as understanding as he'd hoped, he knew he could make it up to him. The worst part was not being able to explain exactly what was going on. He knew leaving out the exact details of Kurt's emergency would seem suspicious, but he wanted to respect Kurt's privacy.

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