Chapter Fourteen

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A/N: So here it finally is- the chapter everything has built up to. I was irrationally nervous about posting this and spent way too long editing which is why it's a bit later than expected, but here we go. I hope y'all enjoy.

Also warning- I'm not a smut writer at all and went back and forth as to whether to include that specific aspect, and eventually I did. Please bear with me haha, I'm new to this.

Reviews and favorites always appreciated :)

They reached Sebastian's room after a minute of wandering through the mansion. Blaine was careful to follow behind Sebastian, but not too closely that he would provoke another negative response. Still, he couldn't help but admire the faint sweat stains on the back of Sebastian's shirt, and the way the t-shirt clung to his back, daring Blaine to skip all of the feelings and the confessions and just kiss him as soon as he had the chance.

Upon entering the room, Sebastian tossed his gym bag on his bed and then wrapped a towel around the back of his neck as he stared at Blaine and waited for an explanation. "So are you going to tell me why you're in my house?" He asked, irritation in his voice.

Blaine knew Sebastian wouldn't be happy about seeing him. He'd screwed up more than he thought he could with a situation as casual as theirs. As Blaine tried to think of a way to explain what he wanted to say, his eyes wandered around Sebastian's room. It was messier than the last time he was there, probably because Sebastian had actually been living at his house again for a few weeks. There was sheet music all over his desk and lacrosse gear piled up in the corner. The most notable item in the room was the half empty bottle of Courvoisier on his nightstand. It made him feel guilty, like he'd sent Sebastian over the edge and the drinking was his way of trying to cope, like Evie alluded to only moments earlier. "Are you okay? I'm worried about you." Not exactly what he wanted to say, but after observing Sebastian's condition, it felt like this needed to be said first.

Sebastian's eyes followed Blaine's to the Courvoisier. "I'm fine. Stop pretending to care." He stripped off his soaked t-shirt as he spoke, refusing to look at Blaine as the conversation continued. Leave it to Sebastian to carry on with his regular routine as if Blaine wasn't even there. Still, Blaine couldn't help but stare at Sebastian's bare skin, wishing they could skip to the part where everything would be okay again, and Blaine could touch him without getting yelled at.

"I'm not pretending," Blaine insisted as he took a step forward, his eyes narrowing as he tried to show his genuine concern for Sebastian. His heart sank to his stomach as the guilt over his actions the day before consumed his thoughts. "I'm really sorry, Sebastian. I never would have cancelled on you for Kurt under any other circumstances. His dad is dealing with some health..."

Before Blaine could finish his apology, Sebastian interrupted him. "This isn't about you. You really think your predictable return to your ex-boyfriend is enough to send me into a downward spiral? Is your ego really that big?"

"Please stop doing this, Sebastian," Blaine begged. Sebastian's eyes continued to avoid contact with Blaine's, but Blaine had enough of the stupid games, constantly refusing to show each other how they were really feeling. He stepped closer once again and used one of his hands to lift Sebastian's chin enough that he was forced to look at Blaine. "Stop acting like nothing can hurt you when clearly it can. It doesn't make you weak, it just makes you human."

When he realized he wasn't sure what else he could say, Blaine stopped himself from continuing. He didn't want to mess this up even more. That's when he noticed that Sebastian was letting him touch him again; Blaine's hand remained on Sebastian's chin. "What are you talking about?" Sebastian asked in a whisper. His voice came across in broken waves, like it was breaking every bone in his body to even engage in this conversation.

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