Chapter Sixteen

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A/N: So here we are- the last chapter! I've enjoyed writing this fic so much. It's been so fun hearing everyone's thoughts and developing the characters. This chapter intends to tie up loose ends and maybe give some sort of an outlook on Sebastian & Blaine's future following this fic.

I also just wanted to quickly include some plans for the future. I'm considering writing a sequel and have actually started some of the groundwork for that, although I'm not 100% sure what it'll look like yet. In the meantime, there's another Seblaine long fic I've been working on for a while that I think will be the next thing I publish. I hope you all will check it out when the time comes.

Anyway, enjoy the last chapter & let me know what you think :)

Waking up in bed together was beginning to feel natural. Several days passed of pure domestic bliss in which Sebastian and Blaine rarely left Sebastian's bedroom. They would order food or make the long journey downstairs to grab a few servings of whatever the Smythes' chef was cooking. Despite living at home for the time being, Sebastian didn't speak to his parents or his sister for almost the entirety of winter break. It was nice not having to explain their relationship to anyone; it allowed them to fall for each other without the interference of Sebastian's nosy little sister or Blaine's jealous ex-boyfriend or their gossiping rival show choirs. Inevitably, the fun would end and they'd both have to return to reality, only seeing each other outside of the confines of school and trying to make time on their busy weekends. But they were used to it by now. It's not like Sebastian and Blaine didn't have to jump through hundreds of hoops just to maintain a friendship.

By December 31st, Blaine was convinced he'd fallen in love. When it was just the two of them, everything felt right. Not a single argument, just lots of sweet conversations and even more hot sex. It almost seemed like Sebastian had some sort of mission to fuck Blaine every chance he got, sometimes interrupting a conversation or a shower or Blaine's thoughts just to have another go at it. It felt like he was trying to make up for lost time. Of course, this is kind of what Blaine expected a relationship with Sebastian to be like. He just hoped nothing would change when they had to return to the real world.

Sebastian's phone started blowing up by 10:00 A.M. on New Year's Eve and after they finished their pre-breakfast quickie, Blaine decided he was sick of the text messages and reached for Sebastian's phone. "Who's trying to steal you away from me?" Blaine asked as he typed in Sebastian's password and looked at the texts. It was sort of endearing how Sebastian already let Blaine have full access to so much of his life. It took Kurt months to share his phone password, and he never shared the new one after he changed it following the whole Chandler incident.

"It's the Warblers group chat. A guy from the lacrosse team is throwing a big New Year's Eve Party tonight," Sebastian explained, reaching for his phone to read the messages. "Just as I expected, the followers are saying they don't want to go unless I go," he said with an eye roll as he turned off his phone and then leaned closer to his new boyfriend. "Unfortunately for them, I already have plans." He leaned in for a kiss to which Blaine just smiled and kissed him back, pulling his boyfriend closer.

But Blaine would not let Sebastian get away with ditching his friends just to spend another day in bed with him, even if it did sound amazing to both of them. "Come on, it's New Year's Eve. Don't you want to drink some champagne, see your friends, start the new year right with a kiss from your boyfriend?" Blaine asked with a smirk, leaning in to give Sebastian another kiss.

"Maybe just that last one," Sebastian grinned as he kissed him again. "But we can do that here. The champagne in my parents' wine cellar is way nicer than whatever crap the lacrosse team will come up with."

Blaine shrugged, leaning back on the bed and staring into Sebastian's eyes. "You'll regret it if you don't. Plus, this could be how we tell all of them about us," he suggested, making sure to look at Sebastian to see his reaction. "Unless you don't want them to know?"

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