Chapter Four

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Sebastian followed closely behind Blaine as he wandered around the house in shock at how large it was. "Remind me why I've never been here?" Blaine asked, unable to take his eyes off of the huge entryway. It made sense, Blaine figured. If Sebastian's family could afford the gorgeous penthouse in Paris that Sebastian never stopped talking about, then of course they could afford to live in a multimillion-dollar home in Columbus. Still, the sight was a lot to take in.

They walked around until they reached the dining room. "My parents are assholes," Sebastian shrugged in response to the other boy's inquiry as he walked from the dining room into the kitchen. "It's late but sometimes the cook leaves leftovers in the fridge just in case my parents come home early or something." Blaine stared at the huge kitchen in awe. It was beautiful, with brand new appliances and gorgeous countertops. He assumed Sebastian's parents never used it based on what he was hearing, but even as someone who wasn't the best cook, he really wanted to make something in that kitchen. "Do you want cake?" Sebastian found half of a cake on display and was making himself a plate. "I think it was my sister's birthday or something."

Almost speechless, the best Blaine could get out was a nod. He had so many questions about Sebastian's family that he didn't know where to begin and he didn't want to bombard him with too much at once. "I could get used to this," Blaine mumbled as Sebastian reached out with a plate for him. He followed Sebastian down the hall and into a room that housed a pool table, a formal poker table, a large lounge area, and a gorgeous wood-burning fireplace. There was also a small bar in the corner of the room that had Blaine wondering how many different rooms in this place had alcohol if just the billiard room had its own bar.

"The Warblers have been here twice, I think. When my parents are out of town, I usually try to take advantage of all their crazy stuff...or rather, trash it," Sebastian explained.

Blaine turned to Sebastian in shock. "Trash it?"

"Like I said, my parents are assholes." He noticed Blaine's eyes lingering on a small wine rack by the bar and smirked. "We're not taking wine from there. If you want real wine, there's a wine cellar downstairs. They're 'collectors'." He said "collectors" with finger quotes and in one of the most mocking voices Blaine had ever heard him use. And that was saying something for Sebastian.

Before Blaine could respond, Sebastian was leading him down another hallway and then down a large set of stairs that brought them into another very big space, complete with an indoor hot tub and a dedicated workout space. Down the hall was the wine cellar which probably held over a thousand bottles of wine, and that was without including the empty spaces. "Are you sure they wouldn't mind? If they're collectors, I mean..."

"Like I said, I usually trash it. Plus, do you really think they know every single bottle of wine in here? My parents are all about the aesthetic; they like to keep all this crazy expensive famous wine down here, but they never drink any of it unless they have company they're trying to impress. I probably know way more about wine than either of them and I'm 17. It's stupid." Sebastian shook his head and started scanning a particular section of wines. "These are our Bordeaux wines. Assuming you're a cabernet guy?" Blaine didn't respond; he was too shocked from all of the different bottles surrounding him. "Here, I think you'll like this one." Sebastian handed a bottle to Blaine and watched as Blaine stared back at him, unsure what to do with it until Sebastian also gave him a crystal wine glass and opened the bottle for him. "It's all yours."

Blaine stared at the bottle in shock, suddenly eager to taste the wine Sebastian was so sure he would like. Maybe if they both had a bit of alcohol in their systems, they could finally talk about whatever it is they clearly needed to talk about. Maybe Blaine could finally figure out whatever it was that he "would never get". As Blaine lifted the now full glass of wine to his lips, he closed his eyes to focus on the taste. "Wow, you're right, this is fantastic."

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