Chapter Seven

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A/N: Thank you all for continuing to read & comment. I've loved hearing everyone's thoughts. I always appreciate comments & votes. Hope you enjoy this chapter!! :) 

Content Warning: this chapter gets a bit sexually explicit. I just like to warn people because I know I don't like it when that kind of thing sneaks up on me. 

Blaine spent the entire drive to Dalton thinking about what he would find when he walked through the door to Sebastian's dorm. Not only did Sebastian lose his last chance to win a show choir competition, but he also wasn't spending Thanksgiving with his family which seemed alarming, especially given the threat of expulsion on the horizon. He turned on the radio in the car but couldn't seem to find a station that fit the mood he was in. He settled on a throwback station from the early 2000s when he eventually decided that nothing would be enough to get his focus off of Sebastian and onto something else.

When he finally arrived at Dalton, he parked his car in the guest lot and walked into the dorm building that Sebastian lived in. The guy sitting at the front desk was confused as to why some kid dressed in an all-black suit and tie was at the Dalton Academy dorms on Thanksgiving, but Sebastian had called ahead that Blaine would be coming, likely knowing Blaine wouldn't listen to his request to stay home, so he was free to go upstairs to Sebastian's dorm.

He tried knocking a few times before he heard a response. "Hi," Sebastian mumbled as he opened the door for Blaine to come in. His eyes were much redder than they had been that night at his parents' house, and he was wearing a black t-shirt with grey sweatpants. It looked like he hadn't gotten out of bed in hours. "You really didn't need to come. I shouldn't have texted you."

Blaine rested his hand on Sebastian's arm and squeezed it lightly to reassure him that he wanted to be there. "I'm glad you texted me. You shouldn't be alone."

"It's just a stupid show choir competition," Sebastian shot back as he sat down on his bed.

Blaine took a seat text to him. "It's not stupid. I know you don't think that."

"I was going to come tonight. It would've been nice to watch you perform. I drove halfway there before I decided I couldn't do it," Sebastian explained, his head turning away from Blaine.

"I didn't expect you to come," Blaine acknowledged, taking Sebastian's hand in his.

Sebastian's eyes avoided Blaine as they fixated on his window. "Happy Thanksgiving," Sebastian mumbled sarcastically.

It was kind of an odd thing to say in the moment, but the more Blaine thought about it, the more it made sense. Sebastian spent his Thanksgiving in bed for most of the day, upset over the competition. Blaine spent his Thanksgiving at a show choir competition. It certainly wasn't the ideal celebration. But something told Blaine there was more to that comment. The hint of sarcasm in Sebastian's tone indicated that this Thanksgiving was everything but happy. "Why didn't you spend it with your family?" Blaine decided to ask.

"Because my parents are fucking assholes," Sebastian explained, as if it should have been obvious. "I called my mom this morning to let her know I wasn't busy today anymore and she lost her fucking mind because she heard about the drug stuff from the headmaster."

Blaine held onto Sebastian's hand as he spoke. He wanted to show his support but hearing Sebastian talk about his family broke him. Sure, he wasn't close with his dad either, but at least he had the support of his mom most of the time, and he had other family members he enjoyed talking to at Thanksgiving dinner. It didn't seem like Sebastian had anyone. "They're hypocrites, too. My dad has a stash of cocaine in his office and my mom is drunk at least half of the time because god forbid she ever deals with what's really going on." The choked tone of his voice startled Blaine as he realized how close to crying Sebastian was once again. "They caught me smoking weed once and... well, it was really bad. Thank god my drug test came back clean and all the Warblers testified in my favor, so the suspension didn't go through. I don't know what they would have done."

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