Chapter Fifteen

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A/N: Thank you for continuing to read! Comments & votes always appreciated :))

Blaine woke up to the feeling of Sebastian's warm breath on his neck, maintaining a steady rhythm of consistent heart beats. It was soothing, really, listening to him sleep. Sebastian was one of the most relaxed and naturally charismatic people that Blaine knew, but he was never vulnerable like this. Blaine tried to soak it all in, hoping he'd remember this day forever. The air smelled of the morning after sex, an aroma of sweat and lube and maybe a little bit of latex with a hint of different kinds of cologne. He had to admit he loved it. Despite the usually unimpressive odor of bodily fluids, Blaine wouldn't have asked for anything different.

He suspected that the relaxed feeling of vulnerability is eventually what led to Sebastian's eyes slowly flickering open and looking up at the boy he'd just spent the night with. Sebastian looked beautiful, as always, but there was a new sense of tranquility about him that added a fond layer of depth to his every move, his green eyes suddenly open to Blaine in a way he'd never seen before.

For a while, neither of them said anything at all. They just lied there, staring into each other's eyes, wondering what the other might be thinking, each with a sort of smile on their lips. Yet somehow Blaine knew. Sebastian was happy, sure, but he was terrified. He always was around Blaine. This was a fact that finally became clear to him as they kissed the night before. It became obvious that Sebastian wasn't like this with anyone else, not even his own family, opening up and choosing to trust Blaine through an act as intimate as sex was truly a miracle. But it was a miracle that scared the shit out of him.

Somehow with Sebastian, everything felt natural. It wasn't that same autopilot feeling of driving to Kurt's house for the millionth time just to repeat the same night they'd shared countless other evenings, but it produced a similar comforting euphoria. Unexpected this time, more spontaneous but domestic in the same way. Better, he decided. His hand slowly stroked Sebastian's hair, taking in everything about the simple touch, the scent, the sound of Sebastian's breaths. It wasn't until Blaine's fingers stopped moving that Sebastian's lips finally opened to whisper a few words. "You should keep playing with my hair," he muttered, his voice soft and warm, like he could never possibly feel more at home than he did in this moment.

He certainly didn't have to ask twice; Blaine had already resumed the calming touch by the time Sebastian finished speaking. This time, the touch was accompanied by Blaine leaning down and lifting Sebastian's chin to take in his lips for the most amazing good morning kiss either of them had ever shared. The kiss was met with a smile from Sebastian as he repositioned his hand to pull Blaine's body closer. Blaine's mind immediately rushed to the conclusion that this was it. This was what happiness felt like. "You up for round two?" Sebastian asked, the words vibrating against Blaine's lips.

If Blaine was being honest, he could have spent the entire day doing exactly that. It was winter break after all, and his parents wouldn't even know since they were out of town until the second of January. The first time with Sebastian was enough to prove Blaine didn't make a mistake. Of course, sex wasn't everything, but it was definitely something he didn't realize how much he was missing. He knew they needed to talk, to figure out what all of this meant, but nothing sounded more appealing than a repeat of the night before. "Just once," Blaine mumbled in response as their lips connected again.

Okay, maybe not just once, but twice before they finally got out of bed and each took turns in the shower. Well, started off taking turns until Sebastian "accidentally" walked in before Blaine was done.

After the shower, Blaine insisted that was the last time, at least until they figured out what was going on. "Let's go talk over coffee or something," he suggested as they were getting ready.

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