The Americans

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I ran and jumped at my cousin. "Annabeth its been forever!" Just by looking at her I can tell she is powerful. Over the years I have developed a talent of telling when someone holds magic, and she definitely does. In fact, all of the people she is with radiate the same energy, but the man with her more than the others. A lot more. Annabeth then looks behind me and see's my other 4 kids. She looks shocked. That's when I notice that she also has 4 other kids with, and they all seem very powerful. 

 She looks like she is about to ask me something when the rest of my walking hell, I mean family, get off of the elevator. Annabeth grabs one of her kids hands and her husband grabs the other, while carrying the little girl on his shoulders. 

My cousins were first off the elevator and they looked sluttier than ever. I walked towards them with all my kids, and I heard then talking.

"Did you hear that Draco Malfoy was spotted at the hotel this morning?"
"He's coming to propose to me, obviously. We have been dating for almost a year now."

When I heard that I let out a snort. "Draco Malfoy has more class than to date a whore- I mean girl- like you. You are a gold-digging bitch and he would never want to be with someone like that."

"And how would you know, beaver? No one of such importance would want to know you."
"That's what you think." And with that I lead the way to the restaurant that was in the hotel. We walked in and got our seats. My family sat at one end of the table with Annabeth's, next to us was Alex and 3 extra seat, probably for his wife and kids, my parents across from him, and the bitches at the end of the table. Between just me and Annabeth's family, we took up almost 17 seats, which meant that we were very far away from everyone we didn't like.  The rest of our family didn't really notice how many seats we had taken up from the number kids between me and Annabeth. 

The atmosphere was slightly tense, so I started talking. "So Annabeth, who are these adorable kids you have with you?" It looked like she just realized none of them had introduced themselves.  "Oh my goodness, how rude of me. This is my husband Percy. And our kids, Zoe, she's 14, Selina and Charles are 12, Cast is 7, Bianca is 3, and little Bobbie here is 1." 

All of the kids were gorgeous. They were all the perfect mix of their parents. Zoe had messy black hair with grayish green eyes, Selina was blonde and Charles has black hair, both curly and green eyes, Cast was blonde with gray eyes, Bianca had gray eyes and curly blonde hair, and Bobbie had green eyes and blonde hair. 

After she finished I introduced all of my kids, and realized they were all very similar in age. I hoped that they could all be friends, and keep each other company for the next few days. 

"SO how did you and Percy meet?" I asked her. She looked slightly panicked but quickly answered that they met at her boarding school in America. I also learned that Annabeth is just as much of a nerd as I am. I couldn't have been more excited to find that out. As were sitting their chatting I noticed Pansy was here with Alex and Anna. I made eye contact with her and waved her over. She started walking towards us when I noticed Alex had stood up and started walking to meet them. When he reached them he kissed Pansy and hugged the kids. That's when it clicked that my cousin has been Pansy's mystery man all these years. 

I stood up and walked over too. I decided to pretend I didn't know Pansy for a  bit, just to mess with Alex. "So, dear cousin, who is this lovely lady?" I asked, while smirking at my best friend. He looked at me weirdly, "This is my wife, Pansy, and these are our twins, Alex and Anna." I stuck my hand out. "Its very nice to meet you all. We should take a seat before we disturb everyone. Pansy, sit next to me?" She obviously agreed, and we went to sit down. We ordered our food and I started asking questions I already knew about me niece and nephew. 

"So, where do you all live?" I asked Alex. He looked at Pansy then answered me.

"Wiltshire, but in a more seclusive area outside of town. How about you?" 

"I actually live there too. I am surprised we have never run into each other before." I genuinely was curious as to how Pansy has kept this a secret from me for so long. Especially seeing as she was pregnant with his kids during the war. "So, there aren't very many school's in Wiltshire. Where do your kids go?" 

"Oh, um, they, uh, go to a boarding school in Scotland actually. It's a very exclusive school so only a few know about it." He said while scratching the back of his head. At that point they couldn't take it anymore. Hermione and Pansy made eye contact and burst out laughing, along with the kids. 

"I still don't know how you managed to hide him from me Pans. Especially being pregnant with his kids during the war. How long had you guys been together before that?" I said, collecting herself once again. Pansy just shook her head and said we would talk later. As I finished my talk with Pansy I once again realized Annabeth and her family were sitting there listening to us. Annabeth and Percy looked slightly odd after I mentioned the war, but I didn't know why.

"Ya know what guys," I say looking at Pansy and Annabeth. "Let's meet in my room tonight and we can all talk about what we have missed in each others lives. And obviously bring the husbands and kids." They look at me and nod. 

"Ok. See you in my room at 9:30."


The long awaited chapter. I hope you guys enjoy, and remember to comment and vote to let me know your opinions and ideas for future chapters!!

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