Reunion Part 3

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OMG!!!! I got back on Wattpad and have 1.7 K reads!!!!! Thank you all so, so, so, so much.

I hope you are all enjoying this story and I'm going to try to fix grammar mistakes in between chapter updates. Again, thank you all so much.


Harry's POV

Malfoy and Zabini ran out of the great hall were gone for a few minutes when Ron had to start running his mouth.

"He probably has so many kids from all of the women he has slept with and manipulated. Where are the Malfoy spawn anyway??" I looked over to see Malfoy's kids with Luna's, Parkinson's, and Hermione's kids. They were glaring daggers at Ron and some of their eyes have gone red. Ron didn't notice though. He was still running his mouth. He looked at Dora and her twin and said, "Did your mom get paid big bucks to sleep with the ferret, or was she just that desperate?"

"I thought you would be a nicer person considering all the stories our parents told us about you. But in reality, you are just a stuck up prat who thinks your better than everyone else. And no, our parents are happily married. They are actually both here tonight. Along with our cousins and siblings."

"That's not how you should talk to your elders now is it? I'm sure your parents are very disappointed in you."

"And what about your parents Mr. Weasley? I'm sure they raised and taught you to not be the cause of a scene. That is solely reserved for the Weasley Twins. And I don't think you are either of them so you can shut the hell up." Cassiopeia says. Ron then smacks her across the face.

"Don't you dare talk to me like you filthy little mudblood." The poor girl had tears in her eyes as she was holding her cheek. She looked over at my family and James ran forward and wrapped his arms around her. He kissed her temple and just stood there rocking her back and forth. That mad Ron furious.

"What the hell are you doing James? Caring for the filthy little traitor?"

I stepped forward. "Ron that's enough. You need to calm down. You know how you get when you get angry. It's not good for anyone here, and especially your family." Ron took a deep breath and I thought he had himself under control, but he didn't. Instead, he punched the closest thing to him, which just so happened to be one of Malfoy's kids. He doubled over in pain and *gasp* Rose ran up to him and helped him up.

Rose Weasley's POV

As I helped Scorpius up I could see the anger in my fathers eyes, and despite Scorp being the injured one, he instinctively pushed me behind him just and bit and backed us up. I was going to be so much trouble when we got home, and mom won't be able to stop him this time. I basically just signed my death wish. Scorp knows what he does to us, but I made him swear to secrecy. If anyone knew what he did he would probably go to Azkaban, and I couldn't do that to my mom. Dad hit Scorp again, but he ducked the secong time and swung at dad. He hit him in the gut, and then turned to grab my hand and we ran.

Harry's POV

When Scorpius and Ron started fighting, Ginny and I ran from the great hall to go and find Hermione and Malfoy.


Sorry for taking so long on this chapter. Thanks for the reads and remember to vote if you like this story.

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