Reunion Part 2

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We walked inside of the hotel, and my cousins ran to the front desk.

"Is Draco Malfoy here?" "We need our keys." "Don't just stand there looking like an idiot." They all start at once. I laugh and walk to the front desk where I see Blaise working at the front desk. He looks from my cousins to me and pretends like he doesn't see my cousins. Instead he focuses the attention on me and the kids. 

"Well well well, what do we have here Mrs. Ma- I mean Ms. Granger. Another reunion in a span of a few days? I feel bad for you."

"Well Mr. Zabini, I know for a fact you knew about this, considering who your boss's, I mean 'partners' are."

"Yes you do have a point there dear Hermione. And how are you lot?" he asked the kids. 

Narcissa, Remus, Fred, and Cedric all ran at Blaise, arms wide to hug him. Blaise picked up Cedric and began to tickle him. 

"Uncle Blaise -giggle- stop -giggle- please." Ced tried to say while laughing with Blaise and the other 3. We were in our own little world when we heard someone clearing their throat behind us. I turned around to see me family staring at me in shock that I know THE Blaise Zabini, second hottest "bachelor" in Europe. 

"Can we get our keys now." Aunt Kate demanded. I rolled my eyes at her tone and placed Cedric back on my hip while Cissy grabbed Remus's hand. 

"Of course ma'am." Blaise replied in a strained voice. "Your family has the 5th floor to themselves. So divide rooms as you wish. And Hermione, the key to the penthouse."

"Ugh seriously. I told him not to do that. I should have know he wouldn't listen though. His skull is thicker than Ronalds, and lets face it, that takes a lot." Blaise let out a low chuckle along with my parents. 

"MOM, WHY DOES BEAVER GET THE PENTHOUSE. I'M THE ONE MARRYING DRACO AND IT'S HIS HOTEL. GIVE ME KEY YOU BITCH." I just laugh at her. She seriously thinks that Draco would marry a gold digging whore like her? The look on her face is shocked. Shit I said that out loud.

"Would anyone like to disagree with me? Blaise, would our dear Mr. Malfoy ever marry her when he is perfectly happy with his wife and kids? Because I don't think that he would, especially considering how hot and sexy his wife is." Blaise simple rolled his eyes at my statement.

"No our dearly beloved Mr. Draco Lucius Malfoy would ever go for a person like her. And as for his wife, I leave no comment on your choice of words because that would be weird for me to do so considering she is my wonderfully loving sister. They are very much happy and Malfoy would never leave or cheat on his wife." I smile at his words, along with the kids. I just take my key card and start walking towards the private elevator with a smirk covering my face. 

If only they knew. 


Sorry for the short update, but at least it's and update. I have ideas for the next few chapters that should be out within the next week or so because shcool works ends this since Corona screwed up the school year. 

And thank you all so much for almost 9K reads. Remember to vote and comment. Thanks

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