Reunion Part 4

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Hermione's POV

I saw Ginny and Harry running towards up before I heard them. I was curled up in Draco's arms looking like a hot mess from the breakdown I had, but that was immediately gone from my mind as soon as the Potter's reached us.

While trying to catch his breath Harry managed to say, "Ron, .. Scorp, . Fight, Great Hall, . Hurry."

I jumped to my feet and fixed myself up before taking off. Draco, and everyone else behind me. We reached the Great Hall and I saw Scorp on the floor with a bleeding nose, and Ron being restrained by a lot of wizards.

I whipped out my wand and pointed it one Ronald immediately.

"What the hell you stupid weasel. You need to take your anger out on someone so you do it on a child. What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"I didn't take my anger out on a child, I took it out on the spawn of a monster. And it sounds like hes starting to rub off on you."

"You are the monster Ronald, not Draco or his family. He changed his ways and moved forward. And its not him your mad at, your mad at me. You wanted to be with me and then I disappear. I'm starting to think you still want me, but sadly for you, I am happily married with kids as you already know. So you can piss off and leave right now, because I don't think your welcome here anymore."

Ron looked around and saw the hatred in everyone's eyes. "Lavender, get the kids we are leaving." Lavender looked Ron in the eyes as she stood up and said, "No, I'll meet you at home later tonight." Then Ron did something unexpected. He turned around and smacked he across the face.

Before I even realized what I was saying I had Ron in a body bind curse on the floor. At that moment two aurors can in and grabbed Ronald by his collar and dragged him out. I ran over to Rose who was tending to Scorpius. I quickly healed him up and then hugged him.

McGonagall coughed to break the silence. "Ok then," she said, "Why don't all of the adults stand in front of everyone and a few students can guess who is married, and then everyone can reintroduce themselves to all of there fellow classmates.

A fifth year Hufflepuff was the one who was picked to match up all of the couples.

Right away Harry and Ginny were matched, along with George and Angelina, and Fred and Katie. They were more well known.

Then Hannah and Neville, but Astoria was put with Blaise, and Luna with Dean. Pansy was put with Goyle, while Daphne was still put with Crabbe.

The Hufflepuff placed me with Draco, and Seamus by himself, along with Lavender, who's husband was kicked out.

"Ok then, can everyone move to their true partners?" asked Minerva. Draco and I stepped farther apart, trying to keep our cover. "Ok, now can everyone state their names, occupation, and kids names. And kids please stand up when your parents call your name."

The Potters were brief because everyone knew Harry is an auror and Ginny stays home with Lily, while James and Albus attend Hogwarts.

Fred and George run Weasley's Wizard Weases along with their wives. Georges kids, George Jr. and Angelica, were in school along with Fred's kids, Molly and Ally.

Neville was headmaster and Herbology teacher at Hogwarts, and Hannah worked for the Daily Prophet as the editor. Juniper and Aberforth go to Hogwarts.

Goyle works for Malfoy Industries, along with Astoria. Astra and Aleia are in school.

Crabbe also works for Malfoy industries, and Daphne stays home to run the house. Stephine and Emily go to Hogwarts.

Blaise is one of the 3 CEOs of Malfoy Industries, while Luna doubles as a stay at home mom with Blaine and Stella, and a Magizooligist. Ivy attends Hogwarts.

Lavender stays at home with Hugo and Hazel while Ronald works and Rose is at school.

Thomas and Seamus teach Muggle Studies, and Minerva and Brian work on their education.

Pansy also works for the Malfoy's company, and her kids Annarae and Alex, surprise surprise, go to Hogwarts.

Then it got to Draco and I. He went first. "I am 1 of the 2 founders and 1 of the 3 CEOs of Malfoy Industries. I have 8 kids and one of the way, though Scorpius and Nymphadora are the only two here with me. The rest are with their mother, aka my beautiful wife."

Then I went and I knew everyone was going to put two and two together and realize me and Draco are married. "I'm 1 of the two founders and 1 of the 3 CEOs at Malfoy Industries. I have 8 kids and 1 on the way. 2 of my kids are with their father, my husband, at the moment. But with me are Cassiopeia, Andromeda, Narcissa, Fred, Remus, and Cedric, and baby Ariana is yet to be born." Then I turned to Draco and said, "That's everything right? Oh, wait. My other two kids are Scorpius and Nymphadora."

Everyone was silent as they put two and two together, and as the person looked up and gasped, Draco pulled me in for a kiss. Harry and Ginny were in the very front row when I looked up and Ginny started squealing like a baby pig.

"You owe me 20 galleons Mr. Potter, and one for every kid they have!!!!!" I looked at her and smiled. She smiled back, and I could tell she was truly happy.

"That's not the only news though," I yelled to get the attention of everyone in the hall. "Years ago, Blasie Zabini was born, but he wasn't the only Zabini baby born on that day. He has a twin, but they knew nothing of each other, until their 16th birthday. The glamour charm was no longer on his twin sister, so his parents knew they had to go and get their daughter. When she came to school she went through a lot of changes, but not many people knew the true reason why. She went being called a mudblood by most of the Slytherin house, to being worshipped by all of them. And that girl, was me. My true maiden name was Hermione Jean Zabini. I was also known as the Gryffindor princess, and among the house of green, I was the Slytherin Queen, and Draco was the King. You all acted like you didn't know who I was when I first walked in, but it's because a lot of you don't." I let that sink into everyone's brains before saying, "I also own HACM with my two oldest children, Andromeda and Cassiopeia." with that I walked off stage with Draco behind me and over to my children all huddled together. I picked up Cedric and leaned into Draco's side as he instinctively wrapped his arm around my shoulder. 

For the rest of the night I hung out with my friends and the kids hung out with theirs. I danced and had a great time. I can honestly say, I am very happy my ferret made me come to this dumb reunion.


I finally finished the first half of this book. thanks so much to everyone who has been reading and voting and commenting on my story. It means so much to me. If anyone has any questions about this story so far or questions about myself I'd be happy to answer. 

I'm about to start school so it may be a hot minute before I can update again, but I will work on chapters to upload as soon as possible. Thanks again.

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