𝟲. 𝗺𝗲𝗲𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗷𝗲𝘀𝘀

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Eileen didn't want to go through with this. Maybe she should've gone back to Karl's, he would know how to make her feel better.

But she was in to deep and didn't have time to cancel. Alex made the groupchat and Eileen watched as the two joined the call.

She couldn't do it. Not now. Probably not ever. But, she had to do it to prove that she wasn't a jealous type. But was it to herself or to Alex?

Clicking the button to join, she forced a smile upon her lips. "Hey guys!" She tried to sound cheerful.

"Eileen!" Alex shouted. "Eileen, this is Jess." He introduced the two.

Eileen couldn't even see Jessica, as her camera was off, but her profile picture was most definitely her face. She was gorgeous. Of course Alex liked her, hell Eileen even blushes just looking at the picture.

"Nice to meet you!" Jessica spoke, her voice felt sweet but raspy. "Alex talks about you a lot." She told her.

Eileen smiled at the thought of Alex talking about her, but cursed herself as she was quite literally on call with his girlfriend.

Alex scoffed. "I never talk about her. I can't stand her." He joked.

Eileen rolled her eyes. "That's fine. Just wait until I become your new step-mom." She said.

Alex started yelling and Jessica laughed nervously. Eileen just smiled. "Eileen I'm going to roast you so hard on your stream you won't know what hit you." He was obviously close to his microphone.

Eileen laughed. "Then you aren't invited." She told him.

Alex wailed like a baby. "Nooo! Please invite me!" He pouted.

Eileen stayed silent, she actually had forgotten that Jess was there. She was silent, but she still remained in the call.

"I'll invite Jess instead." Eileen blurted out. She didn't want to invite her. She liked her but felt that she would slip up and say the wrong thing.

The call went silent. Eileen took in a sharp breath. She messed up everything. She messed up this, she messed up things with Alex.

"Sure." Jessica said.

Eileen let go of the breath she held. "What the fuck?" Alex asked. "I want to be invited!" He complained.

Eileen smiled. "No." She said simply. Alex began pretending to cry. "You can't fool me Alex, you're a faker." She laughed a little.

Alex continued to pretend to cry. "I'm going to head to bed, cause I'm tired but I'll hopefully see you guys tomorrow." She told them. That was a lie. She just wanted to leave, although it had barely been 2 minutes.

"Alright, goodnight. I love yo-" Alex stopped himself. He has never said that to Eileen. Not before when they were close, so why at this moment?

Everyone went silent. Eileen cleared her throat. "Goodnight." Was all she could she muster out before leaving call. Alex mentally cursed himself as Jessica stayed silent. It felt like an hour had passed, although it had only been about a minute, from the silence. Alex felt as if he should just leave the call and deal with the incident in the morning. But he knew that was an asshole move so he waited for Jessica to speak.

"What the fuck?" Jessica whispered, just loud enough for her mic to pick it up.

"I'm so sorry." Alex rushed out his words.

Jessica sighed. "Is that something you guys did before?" She asked, she knew the answer based on Eileen's reaction but wanted to hear it from him.

Alex was silent for a bit. "Yes." He lied.

Jessica felt like she could cry. She actually loved Alex, and she didn't want to let him go. Especially not to Eileen. Eileen was nothing but competition now. If she got rid of her, Alex would have no other choice but to love her back "Ok." Jessica forced a smile on.

Alex smiled as well, this one was real. "Goodnight babe." He then left call.

Jessica also left call and went to to add someone on discord. It didn't take long for them to accept it and she smiled as she messaged them.

• • •


karl jacobs
hi !

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