𝟵. 𝗯𝗲𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗺

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Eileen went back home after a while of hanging out with Karl. That gave her an hour to round up her friends for the stream.

Getting on her PC, she opened discord and twitch. But as if he knew she was doing something, Alex decided to text her.

• • •

i'm so fucking bored
start the stream early?? pleaseee

no tf
i'm trying to get sapnap to come on time

he won't
but do it for me

go talk to someone else i'm literally busy

that makes me want to bother you more

we can facetime while i set up i guess
cause you're so needy

• • •

Alex didn't even say yes before he started calling her. Eileen accepted the facetime and Alex's face filled her phone.

"Hey!" Alex greeted her. Eileen hummed a hello but continued messaging Nick. "Wow, I don't get a proper hello? Asshole." He huffed.

Eileen rolled her eyes playfully. "Hello, Alex." She greeted. Alex smiled widely. "Anyway, I don't think I'll get Sapnap here on time." She told him.

"I knew it." Alex said. "He never comes on time." He reminds her.

Eileen laughs a little. "I thought he would for me. Since I'm so special." Alex smiled again. Eileen loved making him smile, she actually just loved seeing him smile, but when she made him smile the smile felt different.

"So are you streaming in an hour?" He asked her.

Eileen hummed a yes. "If you would check my discord messages for once, you would know." She scolded him.

"Don't blame me." He defended himself.

Eileen rolls her eyes. "Then who do I blame?" She asked.

"Well George always tries blowing up my discord when I'm online!" He told her.

Eileen shook her head. "George is usually sleeping don't lie to me, Alex." She corrected him.

Alex laughed. "Whatever, I'll answer." He turned on his pc and typed a 'hi' in the discord.

Eileen sighed loudly, making Alex laugh more. "You won't be laughing when I strangle you." She threatened.

"At least I would have met you!" He pipes up, making Eileen smile. "Anyway, we can hop in the discord call because I'm sure everyone except Sapnap is ready." He suggests.

Eileen shakes her head. "Jess said she had something to do but she'll be on time, thought you would've known." She smirks a little bit but quickly stops.

"Oh yeah, I- uh- I knew!" He tries to play off. "Let's just get in call." Eileen gives the camera a smile and hangs up. She knew Alex barely knew Jess's schedule, because he made it so obvious that he didn't care what she was doing when he wasn't around.

She tapped the call button and almost everyone joined immediately. "Who knew that all I have to do is call and you three come rushing in?" She jokes.

"Yeah, you're my favorite." Clay jokes back.

Eileen smiles. "Awww, you're my favorite." She tells him, causing Alex and Karl to gasp dramatically.

"Never eating your cookies again." Karl grumbled, making her and Clay laugh.

"But I make them only for you." She pouted, making Karl laugh like a small child. "That's fine, Dream I'll mail you my cookies." Clay cheered as Alex still hadn't spoken.

"Only joking! I love your cookies!" Karl rushed out immediately.

Eileen smiled. "Glad you do, I make them especially for you." She told him.

Karl giggled and Clay pretended to break stuff. "I'll bake you all cookies one day, but now only Karl." She assured them. "Anyway, my cookies slap so if you didn't eat them others will." She stated.

"Not the raisin ones." Karl mumbled.

Clay ooo'ed. "I'd never disrespect your raisin cookies, Eileen." He told her.

Eileen giggled. "Thank you! You're apparently the only one!" The sound of Karl falling out of his chair made them all laugh.

Suddenly the sound of someone joining rang through Eileen's ears. She wasn't going to lie, Jess joining ruined her mood. But she masked it.

"Jess!" Alex greeted, speaking again. He sounded a lot more cheerful speaking to Jess than speaking to Eileen. It broke her heart a little.


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