𝟭𝟮. 𝗾𝘂𝗮𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘆 𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗸𝗮𝗿𝗹

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Eileen woke up to Karl being gone. She immediately picked up her phone to see if he had left her a message in case he left the house. He had left and told Eileen to do whatever she wanted and stay for as long as she wanted.

So, Eileen spent most of the day at Karl's house. She played on the SMP, where she was harassed by three kids who she had never interacted with before. Tubbo, Ranboo, and Tommy were probably more chaotic than herself and Karl on stream.

They even added her to a vc until she hit her social wall and left. Karl eventually returned.

"Don't tell me you missed little ol' me?" Karl asked as Eileen hugged him when he got back.

Eileen shook her head. "No, I hate you. Never want to see you again." She joked. Karl laughed as he removed the girl from his arms. "Can I stay over again?" She asked.

Karl nodded. "Stay forever if you want." He offered. "Have you talked to Alex?" He asked.

Eileen shook her head. "No, I don't want to talk to him." She sighed, trailing behind Karl.

Karl smiled softly at her. "You can't avoid him forever." He reminded her.

Eileen wrapped her arms around Karl's waist and dropped her head, making Karl blush a little. "If I talk to him, I'll just forgive him." She mumbled. "I don't want to forgive him yet." She admitted.

Karl patted her head, making the situation they were in awkward. "Ok, we don't have to discuss it right now." He stopped patting her forehead and tried to move but she wouldn't let go.

She lifted her head. "Car ride. Right now." She ordered, finally letting go and picking up her car keys.

Karl shook his head. "Whatever you say boss." He chuckled a little and the two went to Eileen's car.

"We can drive by my house after so I can grab some clothes." She mentioned before starting up the car, Karl nodded and they drove for what seemed like hours.

• • •

liked by comeoneileen, quackity, and 753,890 otherskarljacobs: she forced me to take this, please send help tagged: comeoneileen

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liked by comeoneileen, quackity, and 753,890 others
karljacobs: she forced me to take this, please send help
tagged: comeoneileen


comeoneileen: you guys he's lying, he told me i looked pretty and took a picture don't listen to him
karljacobs: that's not even believable you liar

user1: i love karleen
user2: same! their friendship is so cute!

user3: quackleen forever.

jessicamoore: so cute!
karljacobs: agreed

user5: favorite duo!

ranboomc: i met her! i'm now extremely famous because i know her!

tommyinnit: i know this woman, give me likes
tubbo: tommy please tell eileen i said hello
tommyinnit: eileen, my friend tubbo says hello
comeoneileen: hi tubbo

quackity: cool

• • •

Eileen stared at the comment that Alex had left. "What does this mean?" She asked as the two lay on Karl's couch.

Karl shrugged. "Don't sweat it." He advised.

Eileen sighed and shut off her phone. "I should text him." She thought out loud.

Karl sent her a look. "I thought you decided not to?" He questioned, sitting up a little bit.

Eileen sat up. "I don't think I can wait." She sighed.

Karl looked disappointed. "Come on, we can bake something!" He got up and tried pulling her off the couch.

Eileen smiled. "Let's bake." She mumbled, grabbing Karl's hand as he lead her to the kitchen.

Eileen showed Karl how to bake her favorite red velvet cake, he messed up a lot which made it even more fun for Eileen. They decorated it with their minecraft skins, although Eileen could hardly remember what hers looked like.

She had left her phone on the couch as it started buzzing constantly.

• • •

i'm super fucking sorry for flipping out on you
but so many guys in the feral boys have admitted to at least finding you attractive
i was a bit jealous, not because i like you just because i'm terrified of losing you
please just know that i love you, you're always gonna be my favorite
and now i'm basically texting the air but just please respond when you can

• • •

Eileen didn't hear the buzzing at all, she had laughed at Karl as he put frosting on her face. "Karl Jacobs!" She yelled as she put some on his face as well, making him laugh.

Karl was enjoying the time he had with Eileen because he knew she would go right back to Alex. Eileen loved Karl, but not in the way she loved Alex.

All he wanted was for his best friend to be happy, even if that means that he couldn't be.

authors note!
LMAO i feel bad for torturing you guys so we get extra headcanons today 😋 definitely also not because i forgot last chapter

for one after all of this stupid mess, jess and eileen are very close and actually meet up.

for his birthday, eileen sends quackity a rose quartz and he keeps it on him at all times

karl and eileen are actually childhood best friends (no clue if i've ever specified that) and their parents thought they would end up getting married 😟
every year karl tries to throw eileen a surprise birthday party but accidentally ends up telling her and vice versa

that's it folks see you the next time i crush your hearts! also i'm going on a slight hiatus due to family issues, shouldn't be long but i have prewritten chapters for you guys to enjoy

i wanna be yours,  quackity Where stories live. Discover now