How Long Has That Happened?

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You looked at him in shock.

You: "I-its not what it looks like, I promise you"

Shinso: "Well what else does it look like Y/N?"

You: "um I-"

Shinso: "Just give it here Y/N. I know what it's is and it's bad for you"

You shake your head and try to run but he catches you beforehand.

Shinso : "don't run please. I care for you and I just want you to be okay"

You two both start crying

You: "No Shinso don't cry everything will be okay don't worry about me"


You are shocked by his response. You can tell he's being genuine with his words but your voices still don't want to believe it. No matter how hard you try to ignore it, it gets louder and louder.

Shinso tries to get the vape off you but you use your Quirk to stop him.

(Your quirk=Fatigue-r
Can make people weak, irritable, sluggish and more receptive to pain. Anyway back to story)

He calls Todoroki and Katsuki to help find You and the vape along with Aizawa. You lock yourself in with Izuku since he vapes as well. You and Deku decided to lock yourselves in his bathroom and climb out the window with a rope, to stop them from following you. Deku was confused with why you ran so you told him.

You: "Well Shinso kinda walked in on me taking the vape so I used my quirk on him and ran but he called Katsuki,  Todoroki and Aizawa to help him find me and the vape so I gathered since you had one too we could be in this together."

Izuku/Deku: "Wow looks like you kind of got yourself in a situation that I would probably of got myself in if I didn't escape with you."

You two ran to a nearby park that was private to UA for Eri and Kota. Luckily, they weren't there so you and Izuku sat down on the bench.

You: "Deku, how are your arms can I see?"

Deku: "Okay but only if you keep my vape a secret"

You: "I'd never tell anyone and besides that, I don't really have friends to tell that to other than katsuki, Todoroki and shinso"

Deku showed you his scars and takes a toke of his vape which was green like his hair. You were relieved that he had stopped for 1 month. He was quite sad and lonely before you two met each other. Deku was another one of your best friends and you put a lot of trust in him. He did the same to you. One of the first things he did was told you that he was gay and ever since then you two got along nicely.

You: "When should we go back to your dorm and just hang out?"

Deku: "Soon but first if I was you, I'd give the vape to me and I'll put it in the safe until you come over again"

You: "Yeah your probably right about that thank you Deku. I will wait till we get to the school and give it you then"

Deku nodded and you got up to go to the dorm. Shinso, Aizawa, Katsuki and Todoroki were out the front of the school so you went quietly to the back and you gave him the vape that he hid in his pocket. Mina and Kirishima were waiting in Deku's room for you two to come back. You climbed the rope again and saw the bathroom door had been broken down. You and Deku were looking at each other talking when, Kirishima grabs the top of your arm. You jump and see him with water in his eyes.

You: "What's wrong Kiri and Mina. Are you okay?"

Mina: "We should be asking you that Y/N"

Kirishima: "Yeah Y/N are you okay and is what Shinso said true."

You looked at Deku and looked down crying. Deku looked at kirishima and Mina and smiled.

Deku: "go and tell Shinso we are safe and that Y/N is staying in my room tonight. Also tell Momo I am going to need two new doors from her creation quirk"

Mina: "You got it Deku we will be right back."

Mina and Kirishima go to talk to Shinso and Momo whilst Deku comforts you and hugs you whilst on the floor. You fall asleep and wake up at 3am. You still haven't ate anything and you still cut but you couldn't cut because Deku was by you at all times.

Deku was asleep so you went back to your dorm opening the new and improved door. You make it to the dorm and Denki was there waiting for you to come back. Once he saw you he smiled.

Denki: "Awake so early? Well I'm glad you are safe Y/N"

You: "Yeah. Um what are you doing in here Denki?"

Denki: "Well Y/N I fell asleep in here and also I was worried about you and had the feeling you'd come back here"

You: "Okay Denki um do you think you could leave now? I kinda wanna be alone"

Denki: "yeah no problem! See you later Y/N."

He gets up and leaves the room not knowing what you were gonna do. You go to the bathroom and get the box of blades from the medicine cabinet. You the take your sharpest blade out and Cut.

You quickly bandage up them and go to your bed. You then have a breakdown and didn't stop crying until you fell asleep.

A few hours later, you wake up to find Shinso waiting for you to get up. He sees your eyes open and looks at you.

Shinso: "Good morning sleepy head"

You: "Good morning Brainwash what are you doing here?"

Shinso: "To come check on you see if you are okay"

You: "Yeah I'm fine but I need to get dressed so could you turn around?"

He turned around and you took your top off. You then put a short sleeved t-shirt on. You then put gloves on to cover all the cuts that you had made.
You put on your ripped jeans and tap on his shoulder.

You: "I'm done!"

Shinso: "Why are you wearing fingerless gloves? You don't normally...."

You: " O-oh um it's the trend now.."

Shinso thinking: Something is off but I can't quite put my finger on it. Gloves, vapes, secrets.......... Wait a minute.

Shinso: "show me what's under the gloves if you don't I'll have to force you in a good way."

You: "I-I don't know what you mean"

Shinso used his brainwash on you and gets your arms. He takes your gloves off and sees them.

Shinso: " Y/N

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Shinso: " Y/N........"

You break down into tears.

Shinso: "How long has that happened?"

(1169 words)

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