Why Did You Let Go!?

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You shook your head.

You: "no I ain't gonna stop now. This is the only opportunity I have."

Shinso: "But baby please don't do this again. You know how heartbroken I'd be if you did that. Come here and hug me then we can talk about how you are feeling yeah?"

You stopped and dropped the knife. You ran over to him and hugged him. He sat down with you in his arms.

Shinso: "now baby let me see your arms again please"

You tried to pull away but he had hold of you so you couldn't. He took your arms carefully and looked. He noticed the cuts were deeper and deeper everytime and didn't know what to do.

Shinso: "Baby, next time tell me okay because I can't loose you. You mean so much to me and more than anything else in the world."

You: "I'm sorry shinso I just wanted the pain to be over."

Shinso: "I know I know. I have been in your place I mean look at my arms."

You saw old scars on his left arm and they looked deep.

Shinso: "See, these are battle scars. They came with me throughout my middle school. But I'm fine now and I just want to help you baby."

You nod and go to pick the knife up. He stops you and grabs the knife so you couldn't.

Shinso: "Baby no you are not allowed anything sharp now and I'm going to search the whole house for blades and I'm going to hide everything that you can hurt yourself with, okay?"

You: "Shinso I don't like that idea"

He looks at you and says.

Shinso: "Baby it's for your own good, if you don't like it then you gonna have to do something else to make your pain go away."

You nod and agree with him as much as you didn't want to. He checked you first. He found 3 sharpener blades and a razor In your pockets and lockets.

Shinso: "Where did you get all the blades, baby. Come on, show me where they are."

You show him and he is shocked how he couldn't find them sooner. He just hoped the darkness would go away. He just wanted you to see yourself the way he did.

You: "Shinso I...... I'm sorry and I love you Mi amor."

Shinso: "Why are you apologising for?"

You: "You'll know in 2 weeks but first I want to spend them weeks with you."

So that's what you did. You spent the 2 weeks together and you came closer with him. A day before that, you had wrote another note saying something different from the other four notes.

"Dear shinso,
My time is done. I just can't do it anymore, I have suffered and suffered and finally I can let go. You mean everything to me but its just not fun to love you when I don't love myself. I still will always be watching over you but I just have no motivation to continue on with this retched life. Please understand that you are amazing but it was my chance and choice to do it. Never blame yourself for any of this and I'm sure you'll forget about me in a year's time. Anyway if you need help, talk to my brother because he would have lost everyone then. I will miss you all so so much and I just hope I get to see my mom, dad and my sister. Thanks for sticking with me shinso. Hope you can cope without me in front of you and instead with me watching over you. I'm sure you and the others will be greatly appreciated by me doing this. Anyway thanks for everything,
Bye Mi Amor
Y/N🖤 "

You find a place to put the book.

But before you could, you fell asleep

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But before you could, you fell asleep. Before shinso finished work, you woke up and hid the book with the note in.

Now back to present day!

You decide to go back to 1A to see Mr aizawa and the new students. You left a text for shinso so he wouldn't worry till the end of that day. You saw Mr aizawa and the new students.

*knock knock*

Mr Aizawa: "come in!"

You walk in and his eyes opened. He couldn't believe how much you'd grown these few years.

You: "Hey aizawa it's been a while, I just wanted to apologise for being such a pain to you when training and lying about my quirk."

Aizawa: "Don't worry Y/N I understand that you had a hard time but it's good to see your coping better than you were"

You: "sorry to bother you and your lesson but I just wanted to come and apologise that's all and kids, this man here is the best to talk to if you ever feel sad or empty!"

Aizawa: "It's quite alright and theo there has the same quirk as you so you should give him some advice sometime"

You: "got it and I'll let the squad know you said hi. Its all the old 1A students!"

He nods as you leave. You would miss this place but you knew that you couldn't wait any longer for it. You knew it was the day. However Shinso had a bad feeling so whilst he was at work patrolling, he asked Hawks to go look for you around.

Hawks decided to do it since you was pretty much a sister to him. He waited in the sky and noticed you were on the highest level of UA. It was the roof. At first, he didn't think much of it but decided to stay at that point where he could see you.

You: "Guess it's time but I'm going to miss you all. Shinso, hawks, Deku, uraraka, Bakugo, Todoroki, Sam, tsuyu, jirou, kirishima, Denki, Sero, shouji, mina. All of you and shinso I love you and will always love you. Please don't give up on yourself Sam for me. I could never forgive myself if you did that cause of me. I know I have done suicide loads of times but this time it will work I'm sure of it."

Hawks heard every last word you said and started to worry. He told shinso to check our house for anything like a note so he did. However Hawks flew back up. He noticed you were getting close to the edge.

Shinso ran to UA roof after finding the suicide note you had written. He ran as fast as he can and saw you standing with two arms holding the gate and one leg hanging off.

Shinso: "Baby W-what are you doing, please kitty come here baby"

You smile and shake your head. One arm let's go and your just hanging by a thread. He tries to grab you but you let go before hand. Tears coming out your eyes and your whole life flashed before your eyes. You opened an eye to see you weren't on the ground. Your brother figure Hawks catched you and sent you back to shinso.


They both hugged and said..

Both: "why did you let go!?"

(1245 words)

Me: hey everyone this is the last episode! Took me a month to do but we made it. Next I'm doing a bakugo x y/n soulmate so please check that out soon byeeee🖤

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