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You didn't answer him except you ran to Izuku's Dorm room. Deku rushed to me.

Deku: "shh shhh shhh. Hey its okay
Y/N what's wrong."

You: "S-s-shinso F-found m-my c-cuts"

Deku: "you haven't stopped cutting? Hold on let me see"

He takes your wrists and looks.

Deku: "oh fuck. Okay I'm just going to clean them so they don't get infected."

He cleans your wounds and wraps them up. You are greatly appreciative towards Deku and you just felt lucky he was by your side.

Deku always made you feel welcome and you knew when you do that, he will be one of the people you miss the most.

You had so many diary entries about the way you wanted to die but you stayed longer because of all your friends. You have tried 25 times but no one knows about that impart from the people that caught you in the act.

You had wrote 3 suicide notes just incase you needed one of them. They all said the same thing.

"Dear whoever is reading. By the time you have got this I would have gone. I am going to miss all my friends and shinso even more. I just couldn't take it. My sister hung herself because of Bullies, I never see my brother, my parents got run over and it was my fault. If I never got in the way of a car they would still be here by now. Im just a mistake, a failure and this just means another worthless soul has its life taken away from them. I hope you don't go the same route I have because I would never forgive you.
Todoroki, katsuki, Denki, Mina, Kiri, Shinso, Uraraka, Deku I love you so much and I'll miss you but just understand my pain is finally at ease.
Anyway goodnight and I promise to watch over you"
                            Love Y/N🖤

Obviously you was waiting for the right day right moment. You Never went to class but you did have online class so after you left Deku's, you went back to your dorm. You left your phone there so you had about 5 missed calls off your Brother.

You thinking: I need to call him back he must be worried or maybe they told him about me...... Well I'll call him back.

*ring ring*


You: "I'm sorry bro I Will be quicker next time I promise"

Brother: "Well I have a surprise for you and since its your birthday soon it will be a nice thing."

You: "What is it bro?"

Brother: "I'm coming to Japan for 2 months and for your birthday too"

You: "Really!? Omg okay well bro it's late here so I'm going to go. I will speak to you soon."

Brother: "Okay I'll speak to you soon too bye sis"

You put the phone down and smile. You really want to see your brother again. But you was afraid he would find out about your scars.

A week later, you had Cut 5 times again but you told Deku and he helped you. Tomorrow, your brother will be coming to see you so you have to cover your arms.

*knock knock*

You: "Come in"

Shinso came in and walked over to you. You had tears in your eyes from all the hate you were getting on herogram.

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