Thank You So Much

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Me: You guys really wanted another part so im doing it. I hope you enjoy this one.

You hugged Hawks and Shinso tightly not really knowing what else to say. Your eyes were still streaming with tears that you couldn't controll at all.

Shinso: "You dont have to answer us straight away Baby but i would like to know why you did it"

Hawks: "Yeah same here Y/N"

You: "Well.. I-"

You started talking but before you knew it, you Collapsed into both their arms. They freaked out as Hawks went to get help. Shinso held you close to him praying you would be okay.

Shinso: "Please be okay baby Please"

He teared up as Hawks Came up with the good pro hero Aizawa. He saw you.

Aizawa: "What happened?"

Shinso: "Well Y/N tried to Jump but Hawks saved her and as we tried to find out why, she collapsed"

Aizawa: "Ah i see. They are overwhelmed. Come to my room where they can rest then we can ask why Okay?"

Hawks and Shinso: "Good plan Aizawa"

Aizawa Smiled and led the way to his office so that you could take a rest.

You woke up not long after

Hawks: "your awake that's awesome. May I ask why do you feel like this Y/N, what started you to feel like that. We are so concerned for you and we just want you to feel okay"

You: "Its personal Hawks.. i dont wanna talk about it"

He sighed as they all went into Aizawa's room. You started crying as Shinso put you down on Aizawa's office chair.

You were over thinking about the thing you tried to attempt to do.

You: "Shinso I am so sorry for everything baby.."

Shinso: "don't apologise for it baby. You just need emotional help and I respect that. What would you say if I took you to see a therapist what would you think of that would you like it or not and baby I think it's better for you to go to therapy because you need it."

You thought about it for a couple of seconds trying to see if you wanted to go and have a therapist or not. You took a deep breath.

You: "You know what baby. I do want help because these things are making me worse and I do need help I just didn't know how to ask for it."

Shinso smiled at you and was glad you agreed to him. He offered to plan it all so you didn't have to worry about it. You couldn't say no to him and just agreed for him to plan every date you do there.

You: "Shinso what do the therapists do to help?"

Shinso: "Well. They ask you what's wrong and they will tell you if you have depression or not and if you do then they will give you advice how to cope with it and if it's really bad then they'll give you the things called antidepressants though I'm pretty sure you know what they are"

You: "Yeah I bought some before"

Shinso: "so you'd be okay with it? Cool"

You really didn't have much choice in the matter so you just had to agree.

Aizawa: "Thank you shinso. You truly are the best boyfriend to her and you always have been which is good. That also means I raised you pretty well in my opinion"

Shinso laughed and you smiled at it because you really did love the way he laughed. Every time you heard it, it always made your heart skip a beat.

Suddenly, you got a call. It was from your brother Sam. You wouldn't answer your phone because you didn't know how to tell him anything or what to say to him if you picked up. So you decided that it would be the best if you completely forgot and ignored the call.

Hawks: "Aren't you going to answer that?"

You: "No.. I don't feel like it. I mean, you know what I just tried to do. How am I going to explain that to him!"

You was getting slightly overwhelmed and Shinso could tell something was wrong with you.

Shinso: "Baby, are you okay? You seem off. Its almost like your over thinking about your suicide attempt"

You: "That's exactly what it is and I feel so guilty for doing it but I hate myself and my life and I just want it to be over already!"

You was now feeling slightly angry at yourself. You wanted to punch yourself but that is classed as self-harming so you decided it would be best if you didn't do anything in front of them that would be you hurting yourself.

Aizawa: "Y/N can you please calm down for me so then no problems will happen okay. Just breathe in for 4 seconds and out for 4 so then you can start to feel calm and relaxed with your mind"

You did as he said and it actually worked for you this time.

You: "Thank you Aizawa-Sensei"

Aizawa: "Yeah no problem at all Y/N. I am really happy to help one of my old students."

You giggled softly giving Shinso shivers down his body and making his hairs stand up on end.

Shinso pov: "Dammit. I love that giggle so much. There's just something about it that I could never get used to."

You couldn't notice Shinso stuck in his own thoughts about you and continued to talk to Aizawa.

You: "Hey baby, I have a question for you"

Shinso snapped out of thought mode.

Shinso: "Go ahead baby, just ask away"

You: "Why do you even like me that much like I don't know what to do with my life and I'm an emotional wreck and a disappointment too"

All three: "Your not a disappointment!?"

You: "I-Im not?"

Hawks: "Hell no your not. You have soooooo much worth than anyone even knows. You shouldn't always put yourself down like that. It's why you have so low self-esteem and so low motivation. If you was nice to yourself, then you would feel so much better in your own feelings kiddo"

Aizawa: "Keigo is perfect with them words you know. You should really take his advice more often and maybe you will start to feel that love to yourself that you have always wanted"

You: "you guys.."

Shinso: "baby, don't say anything okay. We all just want you to know how much we love you and how much you are cared for. We really just want you to have the love and happiness you deserved from the very beginning of your lifetime."

You started tearing up with happiness not realising how many people cared about you till now. You really did love them all.

You: "Thank you so much"

(1155 words in this chapter)

-P.s Let me know if you want another part-

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