(BNHA) Overhaul x Reader

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A/N: First of all I'm sorry Overhaul is very out of character. Secondly, buckle up you're in for a  trip

I clasped my hands together a smile shining on my face. The room was spic and span not a spot of dust anywhere. Placing a hand on my head I try and think if there are any other places I've forgotten to clean but I came to the conclusion I had completely finished my job for today. I let out a soft sigh stretching my body out and shaking my limbs. Gosh, I was sore but at least I could finally head home for the day. Collecting my stuff by the door I leave my day job behind me and head down the busy streets of Japan. I run a small agency downtown, a one-woman army if you will. Even though it was only me I was quite well recognized and was often called in by rich people to come and clean their large mansions. I could usually clean a mansion in about an hour or two thanks to my handy quirk Filtration. I can easily do a full scan of a room and filter out any dust, dirt and bacteria... problem I'm not too sure where all that goes, It kinda just disappears? However awful as it is for me to say it's not my problem so I can't say I care too much. 

I snapped out of my thoughts when I bumped into someone's broad chest. Stumbling back I look up to see a pair of cold yellow eyes looking at me with a glare. I quickly apologize for the mishap but the man wasn't moving. He gave off an eerie vibe, one that rose the hairs on my next. Only now did I realize we were the only two on the street. I felt threatened, scared even. His gaze was unwavering... I made a dash for it down the street. Yet he didn't follow and at the moment I felt safe I collapsed heaving out a sigh of relief. I look around my surroundings and realized I was a few blocks from home. Deciding it was safer there I abandoned all previous plans and headed straight home locking the door behind me. That night I couldn't think straight. The memory of his cold eyes still lingered, it was the only determinable thing I could remember about the man. Just who was he? 

It had been a month now since my encounter with the strange man. By now he was a distant memory. One I had no care to think about. I had just slipped on my uniform and shoes making sure to grab my equipment before heading out for the day. It was an unusually cold, gray morning for the end of spring but I paid no mind to the weather and continued on to my little shop.

The day went by quickly, I had been called into 3 places and just made it back to little business. I opened the door neatly putting my supplies into the closet and sitting at the desk to start some paperwork I had left. I hadn't even gotten through a page when I heard the dinging of the bell and the glass door clank behind a person. I glanced up from my work wondering if I had a possible new client. There he stood, the man I tried to forget all those nights ago. His cold gaze was hard to forget. Yet something was different this time. His aura almost seemed pleasant

"You run a good establishment, how much to have you clean up my place?"

"I usually will clean up a place for $100 an hour, it's a steep price, I know but you can't find someone who can clean your place better than me" I state confidently. 

He closed his eyes in thought a soft hum leaving him as he contemplated the steep price. Even with the mask over his face, I could see an outline of a smile on his face. He stepped closer to my desk and reached out a gloved hand. 

"It's a deal. I need you to come by tomorrow, I'll come by and give you a lift there. 10 am sharp." He demanded. 

Carefully reaching my hand out I shook his in return. I wasn't being given much of a choice but tomorrow morning I wasn't busy anyway so I didn't mind too much. I go back over to my desk to pull out a contract the man needed to sign but by the time I went to turn around and give it to him he was gone. All I had left was the jiggle of the bell ringing in my ears. I sighed, I didn't even know his name. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2021 ⏰

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