(Haikyuu!!)Oikawa Tooru x Reader

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1789 words

Warning: Slight Sexual content, Cheating and Swearing

I walked down the street toward my house. The walk was cold, I shivered as I was walking down the cool autumn street, leaves swirl around with the wind and cute couples walk together holding hands. I wish Oikawa was here with me right now to keep me company, but I know he has a lot of volleyball practice since nationals were coming up. I find myself walking in an unknown direction to god knows where stopping in front of a small local cafe I decided to go in to warm up. I open the door to the cafe and the smell of baked goods and coffee fill my nose, OMG it smelt so good. I walked up to the counter and look through all their lovely looking desserts in the display case seeing (fave treat) I start to drool. I walk over to the cash register to be greeted by a female who had purple hair and purple eyes. She smiled at me

"what would you like?"

"can I get a (Fave treat) and ah... um a (drink) please"

"Sure, for here or to go?"

"Um... for here"

"Ok that will be 770yen"

I sat there in thought for a while until the waitress brings over my food and drink. I give her a smile and start eating my snack, I barely ate a bite before I let out a moan it was so good. I sit there slowly finishing my purchase when I see two people across the street that caught my eye. Some young woman with... Oikawa! what I thought blinking a few times I thought he had practice and what is he doing with another girl? My brain was a total shipwreck gathering all my though I decided I was just jumping to conclusions it could be a relative or... something. So what better to do than be weird and follow him to find out.
Thanking the worker I rush out the door and follow them, I sneaking with just enough distance that I could see them but they couldn't see me. I knew I was jumping to conclusions, well it's what I wanted to believe. Though something in my heart told me otherwise even if I wanted to believe it was just a relative. They continued walking in the direction of a nearby park and I could tell they were having 'fun'. I was getting a little late and I was cold, tired, bored and really wanted to go home, but just as I was about to leave when the "scene" started changing. The woman wasn't wearing a coat so Oikawa gave her his which made sense it's his personality, but it was the fact that when they sat on the bench she rested her head on his and they were holding hands. It made me jealous, it made me angered but it also made me sad because now my thoughts were only filled with negativity. I couldn't stand watching the scene in front of me yet I couldn't tear my eyes away either, it made me sick. I stayed till they ended up walking back towards to streets I was still following them from behind. They where so infatuated with each other they didn't notice me even when I cried out in pain cause I tripped over a rock and scraped my knee on the pavement. They ended up stopping at an alley Oikawa dragging her in.

"Oikawa stop what if someone hears us!" she fake cried out

"don't worry (Random name) we'll be fine," he said back

I stood against the side of the building I knew what was going to happen. I held in the tears I knew this was the thing that sealed the deal, I knew now for sure he was cheating on me. I walked past pretending not to notice as I heard moans and grunts come from the alley. Walking back home tears cascading down my face I thought to myself was I not good enough? what did I do wrong? but I didn't get an answer. I was slowly walking home and pasted a 24/h convenient store I go in looking for Ice cream because I was going to need it. Grabbing (fave flavour) tub I walk to the cash register. My eyes were still red from crying but I didn't care.

"(Y/n) what's wrong"

"Hmm?" I was confused, I look up to see Iwa-chan.

"Iwa-chan what are you doing here?" I say

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