(Free!) Nitori Aiichiro x Reader

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main idea: Nitori is a robber and gets caught by police

Nitori had left 10 hours ago with his colleague and friend Momotaro for their new job. I paced back and forth by the main entrance of our house waiting for the door to open with my adorable boyfriend on the other side. 'He's usually home way before now I hope he's okay' I thought. The room was really quiet for a moment till a loud ringing of my phone went off. Rushing to the living room, I pick it up off the small glass coffee table and look at the number that appeared on the screen. Unknown number it read I pick it up in hopes of hearing Nitori on the other line saying he'd be home soon. I lightly push the small green answer button and push the phone gently against my ear.

"Hello, miss (Y/l) we would like to come to the police station as soon as possible," The caller on the other side said before hanging up.

My heart sunk, he had finally gotten caught after all these years. I had to go see him, grabbing my phone and wallet and stuffing them into my bag I quickly put on shoes and rush out the door towards my vehicle. Keys in the ignition, foot on the pedal and hands-on the cold steering wheel. I drive out of the driveway down the street going to our local police station. After a 10 minute drive, I reach the small station where they were probably holding Nitori. Parking my car I rush to the front doors quickly pushing them open and looking around the building in search of my boyfriend. I had no luck though, all that I had found was Momo sitting behind metal bars. Two tall me approached me.

"You must be Mrs(Y/l), please follow me." the first cop said.

I followed the two towards a small interrogation room. The first man had maroon hair, bright red eyes, unbelievably sharp shark-like teeth and a scowl rested on his face. The other man who was quite taller had had jet black hair and teal eyes, his face had shown no expression thought he looked clearly tired like he barely got any sleep.

"In here," the maroon haired male said pointing at the door.

looking at the metal door for a second I grabbed the handle slowly turning it before pushing the door open carefully. There handcuffed to a silver metal chair sat Nitori. His head hung low in disappointment in himself, his silver locks covered his eyes not willing to look up at me.

"Nitori..." I said walking over to him and rest my hand on his shoulder lightly.

"I'm sorry (Y/n)" Nitori bearly whispered.

"It's okay Nitori, I'll stay with you until the end no matter what happens," I said trying to make him feel better.

"thanks" he replied with a soft smile.

The two officers enter the room after about 5 minutes. Finally, because they were facing me I could see their name tags, Rin Matsuoka and Sousuke Yamazaki they read.

"Ok, we can now start (Y/n) did you know that Aiichiro Nitori had been involved in theft?" Rin said.

" I already told you she has nothing to with this, she didn't know what my job is!" Nitori shouted before I could open my mouth to say anything.

"yes we know you told us that but we want to hear her say it," Rin said.

Nitori looked at with pleading eyes not to say anything

"Well, Mrs (Y/l)..."

"No I didn't know a thing" I replied feeling extremely guilty.

"Ok, well then Nitori here has been thieving all sorts of jewellery and pawning it off. For the amount he has stolen he'll either be doing 2 year jail time or paying an extremely large fine for the price of the things he's stolen." Rin answered back.

I sat there shocked for a moment not knowing how to reply. I looked over to Nitori to see him with a guilty expression again his head hung low. I ended up only nodding in response to what was said before speaking up.

"Nitori I'll visit you every day your while you're in there," I promised him

Now he looked at me with shock

"Are you sure (Y/n)?" he asked

"Of course I'm sure, I'll love you no matter what" I smiled

The two police officers looked at us in awww. The officer named Rin had elbowed his partner i the side

"I know he's the bad guy, but that's adorable, Why aren't you like that with your wife more often" Rin lightly whispered to Sousuke, but got no reply from him.

We were completely ignoring them now. I had bent down and kissed Nitori on the forehead, Nitori then kissed me sweetly on the lips before pulling away both of us becoming blushing messes.

"I love you(Y/n)" Nitori said to me

"I think I love you more though" I replied back with a goofy smile on my face.

before leaving for the night the next year will be rough but well get through it were the last thoughts in my head before I fell asleep that night.

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