(Free!) Haruka Nanase x Reader

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The silence treatment that's what I got, it was almost like I wasn't even there.

Haru sat on the other side of the table very quietly talking to Makoto who had sat beside him. They were smiling, laughing, all around having a good time together with him, but then why'd he invite me over? Besides the fact that he also had Nagisa and Rei with him though they were talking amongst each other. It was like I didn't belong here not with them, they have known each other for over a year, I've only known them for about a month. I sat on the floor quietly not sure of what to say, not wanting to pull out a book or my phone from my bag because I thought it'd be rude. 'I wonder if they would notice me leaving' I thought to myself. I sat there for another awkward minute or so before I had grabbed my bag and left. I was right they didn't notice.

I wondered the empty street heading towards home. The cold autumn wind brushed up against my face slightly blowing my (H/c) hair in the breeze. I didn't have to be home until 6 so now I had to think about what to do in the meantime. I lightly close my eyes and search for an answer in my head and within that moment I smelt something. A sweet aroma, the smell of freshly baked sweets, I quickly open my eyes and frantically search for where the smell was coming from. Following the wonderful scent, I find a small local cafe. I enter it without hesitation wanting to know what the sweet scent was. Upon entering the building the smell became stronger, racks of sweet treats lined cafe, a large chalkboard hung on the wall with many drinks that I didn't have the time to count. I looked around practically drooling until a waitress snapped me out of my thoughts.

"can I get you anything Miss?" she asked

"Hmm," I hummed not knowing what was best.

"I would like (F/d) and (Fave treat)"

"ok, that will be $15 please"

I pulled out my wallet handing her the money before sitting down by the window seat. I stared out the window watching people walk by as I slowly sipped my drink. 'I should tell Nagisa about this place he'd love it' i thought to myself as more strangers pass by.

Meanwhile at Haru's house

"Hey, guys where did (Y/n) go?" Nagisa questioned

"She was just here a few minutes ago," Rei said

"I saw her get up, but I thought she was going to the bathroom" Makoto added

"Her bag isn't here anymore do you think she left us" Nagisa pouted

"Mabey she realized she had something to do?" Rei claimed

"Should we call her to make sure she's safe?" Makoto asked

One call later

"...She didn't answer, we should go look for her" Nagisa whined

"I'm sure she's perfectly fine" Rei concluded

"But what if she needs us, we have to go look for her" Nagisa pleaded

"Right Haru?" Nagisa continued

"Yeah" Haru shrugged.

Though in Haru's mind he was slightly a panic for he had realized (Y/n) was gone making him quite frantic. Where could she have gone? Where could she be? for these were all going through Haru's head you see. They all rose from the seats up onto their feet. They all rushed out the door without a single word to find their "lost" friend and that's where their side ends. (sorry about my rhyming XD)

Back to the cafe

(Y/n) stared blankly out the window stuck in a whirlwind of her thoughts. She thought about lots of things, though one thing stood out in particular. Haru, the boy with beautiful ocean blue eyes and a static personality. She had only started talking with him recently although she has known him for as long as she could remember. From grade 1 all the way to high school they were in the same classes. She has been in the background and thought she always would until that fateful day. When she had bumped into a short extroverted boy with blond hair. With one small action, she had changed her life and got closer to Haru as well. (she didn't use Nagisa it was something she found out later) The closer she had gotten to Haru the more she fell for him and like every love story Haru had fallen for her too.

(Y/n) looked into the distance, again be pulled out of thought by something. Haru, he stood on the other side of the street looking into shop windows in search of (Y/n). Spotting her sitting in the window seat in the cafe across the way he rushed over to her. He only stopped once he had made safely inside the building. He looked into (Y/n)'s (E/c) eyes, she looked up at him curiosity filled her brain.

"Why aren't you with your friends?" she asked

"You are my friend aren't you?" he asked her

"Well, yeah... but I meant Makoto and the others," she said

"We were worried about you so we went looking for you" Haru answered

"Haru this is going to sound weird, but do you like a girl?" (Y/n) quizzed Haru

Haru became a light shade of pink before nodding

"Oh... ok is she pretty?"

Haru nodded again

"Do you like anyone?" Haru questioned back

"Yeah I do... he's a beautiful swimmer and I've known him for quite a while" (Y/n) sighs

"Rei?" Haru asked

"What? no Rei is only a friend, I'll give you another hint he swims Free" I added

Haru finally understanding going from a light pink to a light red in a matter of seconds. His eyes widen but quickly return to normal he smiled lightly in return.

"so you like...Rin," he states blankly just to screw with you.

Giving up on Haru because you couldn't tell when he's joking you decide it would be best to show him. You get up bag over your shoulder and carefully lean down to kiss him on the cheek.

"I-I like you H-Haru" you blushed

"I get it if you don't like me back though," you say sadly

but before you could turn to leave he kisses you on the lips.

"I like you too, maybe even more than water," he said.

your eyes widen, but you didn't bother asking him about that. You just happily walk out of the cafe with him, hand in hand.

"I still like water more" Haru whispered

"What was that Haru?" you question

"Hm, Oh nothing."

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