Tomura Shigaraki x Reader

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Quirk// Invulnerability, you have the ability to nullify anyone's dangerous quirk(s) plus heal yourself and/or others, but because of the energy you use to be able to work your quirk it makes you a narcoleptic falling asleep more than Aizawa on a bad day (nullifying quirks does no harm to you tho just the healing) [also your a night owl sleeping through the day]

I have been with the league of villains since it had bearly started out, so Tomura and I were close-ish, I mean as close as you could get to Tomura, he wasn't the friendly type. Within those years I have grown very fond of him, his personality, his quirks, his looks, everything I just loved being near him, but I hadn't the guts to tell him. The thought of telling him crossed my mind multiple times but the scenario always played out similar, he'd be disgusted, I'd be rejected and whatever kind of weird friend like relationship we had would disappear, so I kept my feeling bottled up. No one knows not even one of my closest friends, Toga, especially not Toga she's so loud I doubt it would be kept a secret for even the day. I enter the leagues' hideout only for Toga to jump in my face in half a second

"Hi (Y/n)! Do you want to play a game with me?" she asked excitedly.

I shrugged lightly not knowing the consequences of my actions

"Yay!!!" she squealed excitedly

"We are going to play truth or dare, and no matter what I won't let you back out now (Y/N),"

"Yeah, Yeah just start the game already," I said flatly

"Okay Okay truth or dare (Y/N)"


"Hm...Oh I know, kiss the person you like the most in this room" she cheered

A faint blush dusted my cheeks, I couldn't kiss Tomura. Then an Idea hit me, I smirked widely 'hehehe' I thought

"Ok," I said kissing my hand.

Hmpf she crossed her arms the rest of the game went on with Toga trying to get me to spill my crush while I thought of witty remarks and answers so she wouldn't find out who it was. The whole league was watching at this point either snickering or hoping to actually find out the answer to this mystery. I had thought I won this charade, Toga was pouting I dawned a face of triumph, but with one last try Toga had thought up a question I couldn't find a way around. I sat there thinking and thinking as Togas grin widened by the second knowing she had won and there was no way I was finding a way out. She started giggling proudly.

"No chickens (Y/N), you will have to tell us now"

"B-But the whole League is listening" I stuttered

"You should have just told me when no one was listening than"

but she was wrong about that I knew for a fact. Tomura was snooping in on our conversation the whole time, the only problem now was that everyone would know. I sighed

"Tomura Shigaraki" I mumbled in an inaudible voice

"What was that, speak up (Y/N) no one could hear you," Toga said excitement growing in her she was finally going to find out her friends secret at any cost.

"Shigaraki!" I yelled extremly fast and loud, but everyone still got what I had said. I bright red took over my face as I kept my eyes down on the table in embarrassment.

"WHAT?!" Toga yelled right back just as loud

"But have you seen him? He needs major Lipbalm Imagine what kissing him would feel like!" she shivered at the thought of it "Icky" she stuck her tongue out.

They started discussing this new piece of gossip in total disregard for either yours or Tomuras' feeling saying rude comments about him and others saying that they found your choice in men weird. You looked over to Tomura unable to tell what he was feeling at the moment because of the hand blocking his facial expressions, But you could tell he was unhappy. I mean who wouldn't they're talking about him like he wasn't there, oh how you wish you had just left or didn't agree to this game at all

"I wish the ground would swallow me whole" you muttered sinking into your seat.

You were out to leave when a certain comment, in particular, made you angered. Letting out an angered sigh of desperation you got on to the table to gain everyone's attention.

"Hey! I get some of you may think Shigaraki is weird but Fuck, do you need to be so rude? I mean come on you are complaining about his looks when over half of you are one million times uglier... and in my opinion, he looks good." I mumbled the last part loud enough for only the closest people near me to hear, Tomura happening to be one of them. Everyone shut up after my little outburst and I had turned and left out the door heading to my apartment. I stormed down the street only to be stopped by some on grabbing your hand. You turn surprised to see Tomura behind you.

"(Y/N) is what you said about me true. you like me?" Tomura said

"Yes, I do like you Tomura," you said dropping the formalities

"How do you like me what they said about me is true you know?" He said frustrated as he started scratching at his neck like usual. You gently grabbed his hand pulling it away looking into his eyes. As you gained enough courage to tell him the feeling you had bottled up.

"I don't believe what they said is true Tomura, I think your perfect"


"I don't know love works in mysterious ways," I said a small smile forming

"You know I could kill you this instant," he stated emotionless

"Then do it at least my death will be peaceful now you know how I feel" I smiled weakly opening my arms in acceptance but it didn't come. I opened my eyes to see Tomura was walking away.

"Wait! Tomura!" you called out confused as so many emotions churned in your body. he turned around to look at you.

"Why? Why didn't you kill me?"

"Because you're a valuable person in operation kill All Might," he said dully.

"oh..." you felt your heart shatter, you were only a pawn in his game of chess, you guessed right. Tears finally started falling as Tomura continued walking back to the bar. At that moment you had wished he had found some way to kill you.

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