Subaru Sakamaki x Reader

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  *You're basically in Yui's spot and have been living in the Sakamaki mansion for about 3 months, but you're not as scared and much smarter*

                 I wake up in my comfortable bed and sit up with a yawn, not being fully awake I didn't notice my surroundings. I blink a few times adjusting to my surroundings and then jump in shock there in front of me stood Laito, Ayato and Kanato-kun. They all looked at me with a look of hunger in their eyes.

"Hey (melons/pancake) I'm thirsty" Ayato spoke up 

"Ayato-kun that's rude and plus Teddy and I got here first so we should get first" Kanato whined

"Nfufufu, yeah Ayato little bitch belongs to all of us" Laito added

                  The three of them had started a fight right in front of me. So while they were too busy fighting to notice me I had snuck out and away from the scene. I wasn't scared of them they just really annoyed me, well with an exception to Kanato who I found sorta cute when he wasn't trying to kill me. Why can't they just leave me alone in the morning? I thought to myself as I walked down the halls toward the kitchen for food. I could see the kitchen light on from down the hall, the sound of someone chopping up food could be just be heard from where I was standing but only slightly. You knew it was Reiji he was like the mother of the group of vampires he cooked, he cleaned and he nagged them just like a mother would. I walked slowly into the kitchen and tapped Reiji on the shoulder lightly.

"Is there anything you want me to help you with," I asked as politely as I could.

I had known all too well that it would get him angered if I had just barged in, grabbed food and left. I had learned that the hard way. He had glared at me for a second before speaking up

"If you want to be of any help you can put out the culturally, clean the dishes and please keep quite I find you to be quite annoying"

"Hey!" I said  a little too loud

"What was that?" he said slightly angered

"I said..." I had stopped to think for a moment for the right words.


"Hmm," he hummed not believing me.

           I quickly grabbed the culturally and ran to the table to set up in the proper order not wanting to continue this conversation any further. Setting the table as fast as I could I run back to Reiji telling him I was done.

"I've decided you can do the dishes after we've eaten so you may leave," he told me in a rather rude way.

                   I jumped up in joy finally I could leave, well I was happy until I realized I would have more dishes than before. I was about to complain till I saw the way Reiji was looking at me with his signature death glare. I really didn't want to be on his bad side so I just slowly backed out of the room. Walking down the labyrinth of narrow halls, I thought it would be nice to see Subaru. I picked up my pace practically running to the garden not paying any attention to where I was going and ended up accidentally bumped into someone.

"Nfufufufu little bitch you should watch where you are going, "

"And why are you in such a hurry anyways"

'Aww why did have to bump into him' i thought to myself

"Well...Uh I was heading to the garden in search of Subaru," I said nervously

"why are you looking for him, do you like him or something, you know we could have so much more fun (Y/n)"

"U-Uh" you stuttered, your face a bright shade of red.

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