(Free!) Souske Yamazaki x Reader

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(F/j)= fave juice (F/d) Fave drink (F/c) Fave colour

It has been one year since Sousuke got his job on the police force, and it has one year since you've started seeing Sousuke less and less as time went by. I know it may sound self-centred of me to say I want him to work less, but I don't think it would matter too much if he took time off once in a while to spend time with me. I mean he works from 9 am to 11 pm every day I only see him about an hour a day if I'm lucky. I have gotten so bored with sitting around all day that I've gotten my self a part-time job as a waitress.

I wake up in me and Sousuke's shared bed, only to find the same old crease in the bed I wake up to every morning. My alarm blaring beside me claiming it was 9:30. I get up standing on the soft carpet and shuffle my way over to my closet in search of my uniform. Getting changed into the tight black blazer and thigh-high skirt I walk downstairs the creaking wooden staircase that desperately needs to be fixed. entering the kitchen I make myself a bagel and get (F/j) out of the fridge. Quickly I rushed to eat before putting on a pair of black flats that go with the uniform and head out. Speed walking down the street I come to a quick halt in front of a small local restaurant near my house. The front of the building had large glass windows and a glass door, two small booths sat by the windows. I open the door swiftly, the small golden bell rings softly as I entered. Looking over at a small round table in back I reminisce about when I had my first date with Sousuke.


I stepped into the restaurant I was told to meet at, I had worn some of the nicer clothes I owned to make me look good, but not too formal just a simple pair of jeans and warm pullover. Once I had fully entered the building the wonderful scent of sweet fresh baked cakes filled my nose. Looking over at the table in the back I see him sitting there an anxious look on his face, I could tell he was nervous from here but I was just as nervous as him at the time. Slowly walking over to him sit down in the dark wooden chair across from him. We had sat there awkwardly not knowing what to say till a waiter came by asking for our drink orders. (F/d) we both said at the same time, we looked at each other before giggling.

"two (F/d), please," Sousuke asked the waiter, that's what kicked off our wonderful day.

End Of Flashback

However, that was over 3 years ago now we only really spend time around the holiday and even then if he gets called in he would immediately leave me. It seems as if I am unimportant to his life like he doesn't need me at all. Whatever had sparked at the beginning of our relationship was seemingly dying, though I desperately held on not wanting to be alone for I had still loved him even if he didn't love me anymore. I held back whatever tears that tried to escape my eyes, put on a happy face and start my day like any other. Occasionally during the day, I would get a fun conversation with a passing customer or another employee but that was about all that happened every day. The same endless cycle of boredom and loneliness I went through every day. I had tried to talk to Sousuke about this a few times through every time he had brushed me or fell asleep due to over-exhaustion.

Time Skip To After Work

I walked into the house yelling I'm home to the no one in hopes that someday someone will answer me back. putting my shoes back on the cold metal rack I go back upstairs to change into comfy clothes. Putting on a cozy, warm pullover and some joggers I head back downstairs to the living room where I plop myself down on the worn-out dark blue couch we had. The digital clock read 7:35, I had lots of time to do something and yet I didn't want to do anything, not even watch the new episode of (Fave Tv show) on Netflix. I laid on the couch stuck in a blizzard of my own thoughts, they jumbled around my brain telling me the things I didn't want to believe or even consider. He probably found someone else, he doesn't love, you must be really boring, Is he cheating on me? and so on. My brain wouldn't shut up all the possibilities, no answers just a jumble of self-deprecating thought the cloud anything else. Before I had known I had started crying tear cascade down my face like a waterfall two things in particular stuck. Does he even love me? Is he cheating on me? I had laid on the couch crying till I had no more tears I could cry, a small pile of tissues laid in a heap beside me on the cushion. Looking back up to clock it had now read 10:55, wait, 10:55 I thought, oh no quickly cleaning up the mess beside me I had forgotten to check my appearance. My (H/l)(H/c) was a mess, my eyes were red and puffy and my tear-stained cheeks flushed red, but before I had time to fix it the door quickly opened. There stood Sousuke dark bags under his teal blue eyes, his hair slightly ruffled and he stood slouched over, but tried to hide with a fake mask of happiness that only I could see through.

"Hey honey I'm home" he yawned

"Yeah..." I mumbled

"How was your day"

"boring like usual, how 'bout yours" I sighed

"You know usual police stuff, we finally caught the thieves Nitori and Momo though"

"That's good" I replied

We had the same boring conversation every night it was like a broken record. He came in, we'd talked about the same things, he gave me a kiss, then went to bed, it was always the same he almost never knew how I really was. Whether I had changed my hair, clothes or even completely flipped my personality altogether. I had tried many things when it started I changed my outfit styles multiple times, I dyed my hair (F/c), I even tried changing my personality altogether. Only one thing had seemed to of gotten his attention when I had another guy over. Although if he had listened the night he would have known he was gay and wouldn't have tried to start a fight with him.

Sousuke had approached me and pulled me in, but I pushed him away turning to leave.

"Hey, what was that for???" he said utterly confused.

I just shrugged my shoulders in response brushing him off like he always did to me.

"Did you have a bad day?... are you... on your period...?" he asked

I looked at him clearly upset with what he said. I had finally snapped, I've had enough.

"Did I have a bad day? how about try a whole month... oh wait no a year!" I shout

"I sat around bored all day so I got a job, but you wouldn't know that you don't listen!"

"you didn't even realize I had dyed my hair (F/c) for christ's sake!"

"you never hear me it's like I live alone, you work your self to hard, you don't even usually take breaks for yours or my birthday" I shout louder

"You have a job? You've dyed your hair (F/c)" he asked even more confused

"Yes, I have!"

"Why didn't you tell me you've got a job or that you're upset"

I was so close to punching him, is he that blind, that stupid.

"why?! why?! maybe it's because you either brush me off or end up falling asleep while I'm talking!"

Sousuke's eyes widen, he had realized what he did was wrong, that he should stay home more often. He was just so obsessed with his job that he had forgotten everything else even his own wife. He felt stupid, angered with himself for not realizing sooner.

"I-I'm sorry (Y/n) please forgive me, I'll work less and spend more time with you I swear" he pleaded.

you although still seemed pretty upset and as much as you wanted to forgive him you didn't know if you could even if you loved him.

"Please, I'll even quit working on the weekends" he begged.

your heart got the better of you, seeing him in this state had made you say something your mind wasn't too sure about, but you just couldn't help it, you had loved him.

"Fine... but you owe me. A lot of time together to make up for the amount of time you missed."

he had agreed instantly to the other condition you made, not that he minded.

"Of course anything for you my love ."

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