(Haikyuu) Tsukishima Kei x Reader

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You sat on a bench waiting for your blind date. Your friend Yamaguchi had set you up with his friend apparently you've met him before but you don't remember them. All you knew was their name Tsukishima Kei, you liked that name it had a nice ring to it. As you sat on the bench grinning at your phone like an idiot a tall figure came up to you casting a shadow above you.    

"Are you (y/n)?" his eyes seemed to judge your every move

"Yup I am, that makes you Tsukishima, am I right?"

"You're shorter than I expected" His snide remark took you off guard. You, of course, had to be an ass back it was just in your nature

"Oh yeah, well how's the weather up there beanstalk."

"Tch let's just go" Tsukishima was rather amused with your remark but played it off.

Rolling his eyes he grabbed you by the hand and lead the way towards the cinema. The walk was rather unpleasant, to say the least. Tsukishima was holding your hand which may at first seem positive...but he was dragging you along you had to jog to keep up with his walking pace. Dam his long-ass legs! Eventually, you arrive at the cinema you were hunched over slightly catching your breath.

"God I didn't realize how out of shape you are" He snickered

"Well... *huff* maybe if you didn't *huff* drag me I'd be fine!" Tsukishima laughed at your expense finding you to be quite comedic in your state, well that probably because he's an ass.

"Well, shorty what movie do you want to watch?" 

"Well J... Wait! S-Shorty!"

"I can call you shrimpy instead or how about midget, Hobbit-"

"Okay, I get it, how about I call you ass hat then?"

"Whatever what did you want to watch anyway?" He simply shrugged the remark off

"Well I was going to say Jurassic World but I got sidetracked because you're a dick." He chuckled lightly

"Hey, apparently you don't have shitty taste in movies. I just assumed you liked girly shit like a romance, but..."

"but what?"  

"Well, what are you some secret Dinosaur nerd?"

you turned slightly red at that comment how could you tell him you loved dinosaurs when he would make fun of you. What you didn't know was that he was hiding the fact he was a nerd for them as well.

"Nope! Nuh-uh, no way! I just like action films" 

"Yeah cause your testament was so believable." He rolled his eyes

"Well, what about you then?"

"Nope. Let's just go buy our tickets and see the movie"

You sighed following him to the booth. In your head, you couldn't help but ponder why Yamaguchi wanted you to go on a date with the beanstalk all you've done so far is bicker and you had nothing in common.  Nonetheless, you weren't going to pass up a perfectly good free movie even if you didn't get along. By the time you had made it to the front of the line, you could no longer resist the urge to buy popcorn. The smell was intoxicating and you couldn't pass up the deal they had on. You bought your own snacks you weren't going to make him pay for the snacks especially since you had no plan on sharing the majority of it. The popcorn was the only thing that was going to be shared the small package of (Fave Candy or Chocolate) was all yours. You took your seat in the back row filling the space between the two of you with all your goodies. Maybe you went a bit overboard,  just a little, but hey snacks for later! Pulling out a pair of the 3D glasses you put them on watching as your date slightly struggled to get them over his glasses.

"Need help?" you chuckled

"I am perfectly capable on my own thanks." His voice dripped with sarcasm unhappy with the current situation.

"Here." Against his will, you took the glasses from his hand and put them over his own pair a smile looming on your delicate features.  

"Tch, whatever I could've done it myself" his face was dusted with a light pink hue. Although he'd never admit it aloud he found you rather cute at that moment.

"Sure and I'm the president of the United States" you rolled your eyes playfully. Just then the lights dimmed and the theatre became quiet everyone sitting back as they enjoyed the movie.

///Time skip brought to you by Chris Pratt looking good(sorry not sorry)///

The lights came back on your eyes squinting as they adjusted to this foreign light that was blinding you all of a sudden. Standing up you gathered your garbage and unfished snacks. Stuffing what's left in your pockets you smiled brightly as you walked out. You couldn't help being excited as you relayed all your thoughts about the movie specifically the fights to Tsukishima. A large dorky smile adorning your features.    

"Okay, okay so like when Blue and the other raptors attacked the Indominus Rex It was the coolest thing they were like *RAWR* and the Indominus was all like *RAOR!* and then they totally took it down and then when the Mosasaurs ate him I was like wow! And the fight was just so epic I was totally on the edge of my seat..." 

Tsukishima just nodded smiling down at you as you prattled on and on. Occasionally adding his own remarks. Maybe you weren't so bad after all he hated to admit it but he was enjoying your company and although he thought today was going to be lousy he had a genuinely good time.

"So do you live nearby?" He asked absentmindedly

"Huh? Oh, yeah a couple blocks away not too far away."

"Do you want me to walk you home?"

"Huh?! Mister high and mighty is asking if I want to be walked home, I'm honoured"

"God if you're going to so annoying you can walk home by yourself."

"...Actually, I'd really like it..."

"Alright, shorty let's go."

The two of you walked in a comfortable silence the nice breeze and beautifully starlit sky accompanying you two. This was much nicer than the way there and he seemed to slow his pace so he was walking beside you not a billion steps ahead. He was rather annoying, to begin with, but the longer you were with him the easier it was to tolerate his snarky remarks. To be completely honest they weren't that bad, to begin with, you almost found them funny even though they were rude. Finally, you arrive in front of an apartment complex he walks you up to your doorstep.

"Uh... I had a lot of fun tonight Tsukishima so thank you." 

"Yeah even though you can be rather annoying shorty tonight wasn't half bad"

"You know that could've been a nice comment if you didn't call me annoying and short" you pout only to receive a shrug

"Okay, whatever tonight was fun...Do you wanna go somewhere again sometime?"

"I'd love to...Hand me your phone." He gave you a confused look handing it over anyways. Only for you to add your phone number under his contacts. He looked at your contact a light smile on his face almost unnoticeable in fact.

"Well goodnight Tsukishima"

"Yeah night (Y/n)" he turned and walked away... you remember something and dashed after him.

"Tsukishima wait! I forgot something!" 

"What you want shorty" you smiled standing on your tiptoes leaving a gentle kiss on his cheek. You smiled as his face became a tomato. Quickly you yelled another goodbye dashing back home leaving him standing there perplexed.

"Yamaguchi, thank you..."

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